16 individuals but 1 squad



Thursday 31 March 2016

hi cca tmr

currently 3 of us r on the com waiting 4 the schedule hahahaha. lol we got nuthin btr to do mah. #watchparty . im still too lazy to start packing. anyway im currently readin online too so yea bc i aldr done hw n well who cares abt hw anyway.

n yes major announcement guys we became squids!! i mean, dis actually happened a long time ago, the change i mean, but still i was so blur to oni notice it now.

so we r "Squid Artemis" and not "Squad Artemis" anymore woo!! jk. at least being the squids we r, we get to live in the ocean at least, an ocean filled w so many possibilities. ok dis didn't turn out well lol.

kk bye enjoy ur nite n hv fun packing

im not sure if it is out now...? gotta check

kanchiong spider

Thursday 24 March 2016

enjoy ur break

yo sup happy long weekend ^_^ since tmr no school woop = no lessons + no jogging yass see my love 4 jogging. pretty sure ppl r jus gonna procrastinate till the last min. who wants to do homework rite. watching allegiant tmr im so excited ive waited so long for it. a year, can u belive it. zootopia made more sales den allegiant despite being in itz third week wow sry imma movie buff. feels weird tat im not panicking or worried bc no cca tmr. oh I need to get a new hanger too bc I broke my this week parade sheesh it wun do to risk slipping on it and hurting myself again so mafan but oh itz not smth I can choose not to do

oh n I saw a couple of our squaddies jogging during pe too, like our class. sharing the track can be pretty traumatic, esp wen u r supposed to run in the opposite direction.

I finally learnt how to do a proper edit I was simply staring at the solution all along w/o even knowing like what the. picsart is the best editing app out there, btw. its just as good, or even better, den adobe photoshop, as it has more functions and also some same stuff like freestyle cropping tat gives u the exact figure. sorry, the rest u go figure out by urself. editing is fun n proves to be quite a good distraction and good source of entertainment

hv a good break + happy homeworking + projects. sweet. ok lah at least hw not so much

our blog posts now tally up to 97 wow. we blogged so much dis yr. last year was so inactive n me de lil idiot dun know how to access blogger or blog. my squaddies r much more advanced den me I admit

can we hv a positive post 4 the 100th which is like 2-3 posts away

n I jus realised tat we hv no one in our squad who is born in March. no March babies.

kanchiong spider

Tuesday 22 March 2016

niki is bAck

hi squad and readers

it's actually quite late for me though it's 9.55pm but i'll blog anyway.

So we had our first parade this year with niki !! finally back, but still on very light duty( dim duty ) We just ended school at 3.15+ so we were of course late for CCA :( It was ' Hestia ma'ams trying out for ncos and stuff  ' day woot ! CCA wasn't that bad, maybe because we had no tent pithing, and PT was quite fun. We actually had 5bx as a break between 2 rounds of running. To make it more fun, ma'ams actually added the ' follow the leader ' game during the run. - ma'ams if you read this its actually a good idea -

Drills wasn't as bad as i expected? We didn't had drill practice for so many parades ( for like a month? ) so i thought we did quite good actually. Arm swings and bangings definitely improved imo. I actually think the morning practices we have are very beneficial and that we should continue.
However, i think our progress is very unconsistant. Sometimes we were quite good and sometimes we're not. I feel that we really need to improve on our kebelakang pusing.

We are super enthu this parade HAHA we should continue - inserts thumbs up emoji -

We got quite alot of things confiscated:'( We exceeded our changing timing by alot. Honestly, i feel that cheering while changing slows me down ? I also think if yall dont tie your shoe laces before changing it saves time putting on, so it's easier.

Anyway despite all those bad stuff good job for today's parade !! I think we did well as a squad:)

- sukainah

Monday 21 March 2016

cca tmr so reminders

hihihi u guys noe tmr got cca rite so im gonna jus say some stuff

1. plz do not forget to bring any of ur uni parts to changing be4 cca ok no guantees but plsplsplsplspls try im begging u its not so difficult (I suggest u put on name tags n stuff be4 coming?bc itz one of the mst commonly forgotten stuff)

2. plz dun put stuff on floor wen folding clothes during changing (esp hangers & pegs!!!!!!) VVV IMPT OK

ok tats all not gonna nag anymore ^-^ hv fun shanks yey but pls rmb dis plzz

p.s. how was first day of term 2....?

yey no hw tdy so happy

ive got a terrible feeling tho cant explain it

kanchiong spider

Sunday 20 March 2016

#chionghw day

okok I read ur last post guys. I know u r correct, but can we jus bury it in the past n stop seeing the same thing. I mean, it is appreciated, but when we keep getting reminded (someone else wrote the same points in another post), it is more of like reopening old wounds too. sry the refreshing memory doesn't seem to do any more good for my mental health. so can we all jus learn from it n forget dis? no more please, no more. its enough. as long as we dun make the same mistakes again.

u noe I tot of another sitting-down cheer, as a joke? well its "aim high,hit low,artemis is the best,"
EH JOKE ONI AH DUN TAKE IT SO SRSLY AH. it rhymes so yea dun blame me too much. I mean, yah, there is abit of sense in it. actually plenty of sense. hv u heard this quote? "There is plenty of sense in nonsense sometimes, if you wish to look for it." By Will Herondale, Clockwork Angel, TID. omy love it, but im overaddicted. but its a pretty good book w loads of gr8 quotes.

ok as yall know tdy is chiong hw day!! tdy is the last day of hols where students from all over the country will be chioning their hw. haha jk I made dis up(inspiration from u guys esp deon ur prev post ahaha) but dun wry many other ppl r oso in the same situation hahahaha(dk if shld even be happy abt it). sry im v sadistic hahaha. for me I was done since 1 or 2 days ago so no worries. but idk I hv a kind of anxiety when I watch ppl being busy I ask myself is smth wrong like wksheets I forgot to complete bc I seem like an odd one out? haha idk but there will probably ppl who feel the same.

apparently almost all my chats r inactive(which is a gd thing) since everyone is chionging lol

im vvv sad the hols is ending = waking up early again n gg 2 sch *sobs*

jiayous u can complete ur hw!! ^_^

happy homeworking shanks

ps I love quotes

kanchiong spider

Saturday 19 March 2016

woah // march hols ending :(

okay hai im back after 92847572893726 years

heavy serious stuff coming

okay i actually heard of these problems on the squad group chat and i heard them from some people and since now im free ( im actually not im currently doing cheena but im bored so HERE I AM ) yes okay sorry for digressing but, yea glad that its not that bad anymore :) but i still want to add some stuff too. for example, i know some of us like to remind people not to do this, to do that, and the rest thinks of it as nagging or having more priority or leadership over the rest. its not, its just some useful reminding because some of us are abit forgetful ( i am sometimes ) and please keep in mind that we do not have power over one another, we are a squad, even when we take over next year, no matter which one of us becomes head of anything, everybody is of the same level, because we can always advise and suggest improvements to each other. hope this is cleared up !! and yes, i know we are not really bonded, we definitely improved from last year ! we are more tolerant towards each other so that's good !! and i think it would be better if we actually tell each other about whatever problems we have through whatsapp or face to face, don't rant about it online, because i personally think its not good ? because, not only will the person who you're unhappy about not be able to see it, they're not able to change for the better. yes i actually sort of did this before and i realised its useless so... yea... social media wont solve everything, it probably will only make the situation worse.

okay enough of heavy serious stuff

@artemisians its the end of march hols nuuuu :'( apparently its international HAPPINESS day today, but how to be happy when its the last day of march hols it should be changed to international SADNESS day is anyone chionging homework last minute ? :) (  i know sukainah is, shes doing geog HAHAHA ) okay anyways, tomorrow is the start of term 2 ( NOOOO ) and exams are looming :( so jiayous for everything !!! :)


~Deon :)

thoughts yes thoughts

sup squaddies n readers (copying su bc hehe gd intro)

ok haha I read the last post n hm must be the first time I agreed w wutt su said the most? im not an agreeable person anyway no tats not ur problem. ok from now on ill try to manage my temper better, but if u r the one who comes about and gimme the flare( I dun mean the one in the death cure) den idk wut will happen. i wil try to exercise more restraint, but i think i may need help too? i know i haven't been rly nice to u guys, and i am sorry about that. but itz not rly my fault either sometimes u guys r oso rather unkind. as for being bonded, im not rly sure bc i oso dk how to rekindle our relationship between each other (we used to be so close at the start, before all the arguments came), but i think maybe we can apply the give-n-take strategy n not be so headstrong abt everything, n be more fair and not so bias? ik itz hard not to cloud our judgements with our existing impression of each other. i hope u guys can see tat im trying, even tho its not v obvs

hope u r making gd progress w ur homework bc tmr last day of March hols jengjengjeng. im done aldr yeyy

wen i woke up dis morn n i checked my ig first thing i saw was tat Dylan Obrien is in hospital?? apparently he got injured filming The Death Cure, if im not wrong he got hit by a car. he has broken 5 bones if im not wrong. how painful it must be for him, even breaking a bone hurts pretty bad. i hope he gets well soon!! the only annoying thing is how some ppl r overreacting like hes dying no he is not kindly chillax a bit, but jus bc he is not dying doesn't mean u underreact too(goodness those ppl r annoying too). I have seen so many aus and edits about it, so done. like dude. another annoying one is one of those stupid persons that are sending hate to whoever was driving, it was an ACCIDENT! I am pretty sure that person already feels bad so quit it. its not cool. n u r hurting tat person too. im not a big fan of DOB(sorry but Thomas Sangster is bae), but i still love him w all my heart, and i hope he recovers soon. *inserts emoji*

n the new font is so weird ok srsly weird can yall not change it so often gosh haha

n do u ship #Malec tat couple is so kawaii yes magnus is bae

sorry i ended up talking more abt my fandoms n stuff

the blog is becoming active again whoop

part looking forward n part scared 4 parade haha so early n yet

kanchiong spider

Friday 18 March 2016

im back

hi squad and readers

so i hope yall have been having a gr8 march holiday with sooo little homework and nooo projects at all !! what a break. but really i hope yall have rested ( is there such word ) well but also catch up on your studies. SCHOOL SO MAFAN but also fun because of the people - heart emoji - ( if youre wondering yes im talking about school with artemisians )

( the pledge so far )
we, the artemisians of squad Artemis,
promise to not be haram and be good cadets.
and be loyal to the tent and not lepak
be great squadmates
and MAKE SURE GOT HALAL GAP ( not with horses or dogs ok tt one not funny )
and to tell the truth only when needed

( we're still working on it )

- ok now for more serious stuff -

i can feel that some of you are unhappy with being in the squad. ( not saying im always happy with being in Artemis, also not saying that i hate yall )
all of us definitely have our pet peeves, all our unhappy sad horrible days but i dont think that should affect the way we feel and behave towards the squad. i agree its quite hard for us to do that but i feel like some of us should really try change the way we view our squadmates? sometimes they are rude, irresponsible and unreasonable but there's always a reason behind it and we shouldnt over react to that because our reaction is what that cause that unhappiness thing. and the squad isnt that bonded ( definitely better than last year ofc! ) i dont know how for us to be bonded together more but i think one way that we can try ( which is very important imo ) is to make each one of Artemis feel appreciated and valued. we are a squad and we should behave like one. if someone feel excluded its not called Artemis anymore. Anyway CCA is tuesday am i right? ( lol i hope ) let's show ourselves we are better and capable of " taking over " since this year is our " taking over training " year.

- sukainah

serious serious

hi guys,

so some of you are unhappy and feel that you cannot express your feelings, like you have to lie and pretend to be all happy on the blog. and some of you think that some of us "nag" after we read you blog posts and think that "oh, i don't like it, i'm going to scold this person because why would this person do such a thing?". we don't nag, we just tell you. i can insert a screenshot of what is said, and to me, i feel that it's just advice.

this is what was said
if any feels insulted or something, then i apologise on the person's behalf, but to me, i think that it is just a reminder. i've cropped the name out, and i'm not siding with anyone. but also, i feel that if you disagree with someone or something, you should tell us personally and not tell everyone on social media.

we're not saying to post only positive stuff, you can post some things in which we should improve on, so that we are aware of our mistakes. you can also, post things you would like to share with your squadmates. for example, look at what bee kim posts. she doesn't post about the squad often, mainly she talks about, school, and her kpop idols.

thanks for reading, and if anyone thinks i should take this down, then please help me take it down, but this should be considered as a learning point i guess, to like, idk sit down and talk things out instead of just ranting on social media. i guess this can be applied to not only our squad blog, but everything else that we do.


ps. i didn't upload what the person said on her social media as she has stated that she would like people to respect their privacy and not screenshot or repost what she has said.

Thursday 17 March 2016

When I need motivation, my one solution is Bee Kim but she's taken, oh sad.



so March holidays are gonna be over soon and i'm feeling sad, very sad, very very sad because of it. so for the last few days, this is what i've been telling myself: 'Bee Kim get a life, stop watching j/kpop and animes and dramas and reading wattpad. okay today im gonna finish all of my homework idc i have to sleep at 6am but i must finish it !1!1!'


I haven't finished my homework, I finished reading about 200 Wattpad stories and rewatched a korean drama (btw it's called dream high, there's 2 seasons UR GONNA LOVE IT) . LESS THAN HALF OF MY HOMEWORK DONE AND IT IS FRIDAY, FRIEDDAY, FREEDAY, FRIESDAY AND FRY-ME-PLS-DAY!

BAsically after finishing up this post, imma really chiong through hell but im purposely typing more crap as i dont wanna go face the reality but i have nothing more to say so... GODDAMMIT I NEED TO GO DO HOMEWORK LIAO GODDAMMIT GODDAMMIT. UGH OKAY IM JUST GONNA GO TO THE TOILET A FEW MORE TIMES, GO BUY KOI AND MACS AND GO WALK AROUND THE MALL just to waste more time as idw to face the harsh reality.


okay bye, imma ditch my short-lived happiness and face the reality. i should not be living in a world of lies. i should be courageuos, humble and charming cuz hamkachan (i think thats how u spell it) okay bye world, imma face my death punishment cuz i know she [homework] will be the death of me~ okay bye for real.


okay bye now for real. goodbye my love(s),ζˆ‘ηš„ηˆ±δΊΊε†θ§~(AHAHAHHA ITS A CHINESE SONG LMAO AAHHAHAHA)



hi pls read (no offense)

hi guys so as yall know rite Tues got cca, and yea I jus rmb I hv a couple of things I needa say

be4 cca we hv to change to full u, so we need to bring it along to the toilet rite? ok most of u dun forget ur stuff, but dere r a couple of u who keep forgetting to, n itz v annoying for the faster ppl to go back and forth to bring it back 4 yall. I mean once or twice u may forget, tats a lil excusable, but when u keep forgetting, it v irritating 4 us. and itz almost always the same few people. the worst when we come back w ur stuff, somebody else asks "oh can u get ____ for me? I forgot to bring" and u hv to run back again, n occasionally it happens tat we hv to run about thrice to 4 times. hv. dis kinda times, I rly feel like locking my arms around tat person's neck, not in a passionate embrace, but in a passionate fury, and wanting to shake the living daylights outta tat person (sry I v violent). itz v frustrating n tiring 4 us, and be4 parade even began we wldve ran so much aldr. n its always almost the same few of us getting em 4 yall, like me gw n aman n some others. im not saying dis bc I too lazy dun wan help yall, but when its a weekly occurance, I feel like literally bursting at yall and tearing my hair out. has it occurred to yall tat we oso need to fold our own stuff, n tat ur sucking the life outta us?? when u go to shower, u dun forget to bring ur clothes along rite(unless u like to parade ur nice body)?? so why cant u treat it dis way? what makes it so different? I wish it can cease happening as often bc its getting on our nerves. or maybe we can charge money for every part u forget n add it to squad fund, so tat will either solve tat problem or the funds will increase in amt yey

and oso wen we change during cca n need to fold stuff, I realize some of us put stuff on the floor(yes hanger n pegs too). no srsly u noe wut will happen if it is seen rite?? n even wen we tell yall, u ignore us, but ok at least u picked it up in the end. dude, I understand u hv no space wen folding, but im sure u can place it somewhere (e.g. hands, shirt collar, lap) or at least pass it to someone?

n ok plz stop relying too much on the faster ones too it can get pretty annoying for us, esp wen u ask 4 help even be4 we changed or wen u dun exactly need it? im not saying u kenut, but itz srsly irritating, esp wen u give eyepower wen we r helping u fold em n itz ur last piece of clothing, so cant u do it urself?

plz dun get offended ok its just mine n some other ppl's opinion ( yes I discussed it w some others too)

on a side note ALLEGIANT IS OUT TDY WHOOP!! but I didn't manage to get tickets bc all sold out >:( , but das ok bc it means sales r good n its got 4 the film ^-^


haha hi okay reading about yesterday's k9 unit seems so cool then i remembered im scared of dogs and i probably wouldn't have survived HAHAHAHA

we must must revise cheers one day ok guys motivation dedication ok look at bk because

when i need motivation
my one solution is bee kim but she's taken

ok bye im going back to my tiny hole have fun in the world

also there's parade on tues don't forget go polish your boots and season your beret


ur cutest squadmate aka alyssa


Wednesday 16 March 2016

k9 unit visit

ok so anyways got k9 unit visit tdy yalah yal noe rite sry im in a v bad mood now sry lah

ok so anyways tdy was only me aman & charliflower bc Deon had urgent matters or smth

we felt so terribly outnumbered (lmao like we gg to war) b it was like 3 of us compared to so many maams so. we just stood like outcasts bc itz liddat nvr missed the squad company as much like tdy

on the bus we had to lead some cheers and it turned out horribly bad bc we forgot the exact lines oops need more revision here like aman said earlier. ive got the weirdest feeling we "scandalized" the maams loads even if dey didn't say it oops

ok den we had to sing songs. we wanted to sing my favourite things and we spent half the time figuring out the lyrics unsuccessfully? we ended up singing smth else tat was so sombre but I liked it yey

it seemed kinda relevant to dis convo between will & jem :

"I promise to charm the dickens out of him," said Will, sitting up and readjusting his crushed hat. "I shall charm him with such force that when I am done, he will be left lying limply on the ground, trying to remember his own name."
"The man's eighty-nine," muttered Jem. "He may well have that problem anyway."

we r so like the man described by jem ahaha jus tat it wasn't bc we got the dickens charmed outta us, n yet we r only 13/14 memory impaired much oops

goodness we rly need a mnemosyne rune but we cant hv them, sadly. haha.

Then when we reached the place, we waited for the other schs to arrive before we started. We were so bored for we didn't hv anything w us like my book arghh I was on a climax nooo my mind died sobs. I wished we cldve at least brought out phones along for at least we can read on it, take fotos or do whatever klunk u wanted to do w it. such a phone-dependant generation haix. n den charliflower crossed her legs and uncrossed and uncrossed it bc we shldnt and she mentioned smth abt making her look like a slut or smth. and I was like u r a slut n we burst out laughing, ok maybe even aman. Charlene -- a slut, certified/endorsed by yinyin est 16 march '16 ahahaha. I guess it was the only fun moment in the waiting, bc other times we were jus talking abt how creepy it sounds when Charlene sings.

Then we watched a demonstration of what the different dogs were trained to do, which seemed to be the most interesting 4 me. omygawd dey r so cute!!!!! but no I prefer cats dey r cuter no offense

Then we were brought to the place where the display dogs were?? heard it was relatively safe to touch dem 4 dey hadn't bitten anyone be4, but no we cant touch dogs other den dem bc dey may still bite. Charlene would not touch dem, but I wanted to but I wanted someone w me bc it was kinda awkward?? and a lil scared bc I haven't touched dogs be4 ever since one bit me years ago. I got to touch dem eventually yey ^-^ n aman was like its right not to listen to Charlene sometimes, which I kinda agree w.The ma'ams were taking pictures with the dogs while we were like, had nothing much to do. otherwise we were jus standing around while the ma'ams were taking pictures with the dogs and more pics ok it was fun looking.

den we returned to school? we were still having problems figuring out the lyrics correctly hahaha we got so many lines but we didn't know where dey belonged n some missing word here n dere

ok sry 4 sucky post

oops seems to be the word of this post

kanchiong spider

K9 unit visit

So...today we went for the K9 unit visit. Deon was supposed to come as well but because she had some urgent family matters to attend to. When we saw all the ma'ams, we felt outnumbered as so many of the ma'ams were going. On the bus, we were asked to lead cheering and we were so awkward as we could not remember the cheers. (Remember to revise cheers!) Then when we reached the place, we waited for the other schs to arrive before we started. We were so bored as we were not allowed to bring our phones with us. Then we watched a demonstration of what the different dogs were trained to do. The dogs were soo cute! There was a German Shepard and another dog I cant remember. Then we were brought to the place where the dogs had their bath(?) and we got to play with the dogs. The ma'ams were taking pictures with the dogs while we were like, had nothing much to do. Yin Yin wanted to pet the dogs but Charlene was like noo. But Yin Yin did get to pet the dogs. Then on our way back to school, everyone was just doing their own things. I think the visit was actually quite fun but I wished we were allowed to bring our phones to take pictures.

Monday 14 March 2016

k9 unit vsit tmr whoop!!

yey itz the k9 unit visit tmr!! I cant wait omgomgomg bc im excited ive nvr been there mah. oso gonna get to see 3 other squadmates too hehehe sry lah I ciao ^_^ charliflower is coming over to see my kitty be4 tat and lend me a book or two omy tmr is gonna be so fun!! ok bye gg to go back to reading tid and no im not doing homework >:( ily all ok maybe not

kanchiong spider

Friday 11 March 2016


YEY ITZ FINALLY THE MARCH HOLS!! 3 mths since the last eh? I guess itz not rly such a good thing eh, given how non-existent it is w so much hw and projects *sobs* ugh. but anyways happy hols and happy home-working yey and maybe get a book to read...? bc itz the best remedy u can find :)

kanchiong spider

Monday 7 March 2016


cca on weds is cancelled :"(
tat means no more drills practice
tat means lesser parades w ma'ams
so I hv nuthin to look forward to dis week
but oh well I guess the only positive thing is tat we can go home early n rest

~kanchiong spider

Sunday 6 March 2016

CCA on Weds ^_^

yey so itz confirmed cca is on wed. and we only hv to bring quarter uni bc oni drills revision yey finally drills yeyyeyyeyyey (tho idk if itz too early to be happy) for o lvl ppl like me sch ends early bc lj ends early, so maybe yall wanna hv sl even tho half de squad not turning up bc ip...? idk lah yall say jus practice urself but maybe since we hv wut close to 2 hrs maybe jus wanna meet up see each other face lorh n chillax hahaha but how to chill be4 cca

psps dere were so many dead crabs and starfishes(I counted more den 10 tho) on a beach I went tdy??

~kanchiong spider

Friday 4 March 2016

some totz + feeling empty (!MIGHT BE DEEP!)

hohoho yinyin is back to terrorize ur senses i keep coming here wen i wanna procrastinate or is bored, do i treat it like a personal blog too much?

actually idk wut defines deep so yea

too lazy & too lazy to blog abt wed's parade anyway so contradictory

tdy is so mundane compared to ytd or Wednesday #anabundanceofmundanes

omy I felt so weird tdy bc no cca(had been rescheduled to wednesday aka 2 March) and aft I got back home aft pizza I just felt so empty and emotionless? and nutty. maybe I was just missing my squaddies's company, and their high-ness like drunk monkeys(hehe idk why monkeys)

i was so bored wen i got home and i felt so empty and emotionless like i dun give anything a klunk man i just went dead. i hv nothing to read, so sick of my fandom acc i wanna give it away or delete it, and i was too unsleepy. i was like 3.05, if it was a normal day we woulve been changing or done changing. i was literally doing tat sort of klunk.

I had nothing better to do an just decided to sit on my desk chair and watch the np ppl from the sec school directly in front of my house go about parade. a good way to waste idle time, esp aft CTs r over. and yes i like observing ppl and judging em hohoho beware. but no lah i just wanted to see what dey did during parade, for today was my only chance

I was watching them do a particular drill, and they had to do a couple of times bc not done well enough. about 2 min later I saw them getting knocked down, like omygawd I was so shocked, like ma'ams were so nice to us, even if we didn't do the drills they would just semula(?) us till we did it to their expectations, so I was kinda surprised when I witnessed it.

it just made me realise that we were being a lil too um weak(?) [no offense kiddos] whenever we got knocked down, groaning and stuff (dk if dis applies to yall @squaddies but still). but what we nvr realised tat was ma'ams had been giving us so many chances, been so nice to us, never knocking us down at all last year and not a lot too this year, except recent parades due to our lousy tent pitching. like yea. we haven't gotten knocked down on "hot ground"[by which i mean scorching hot surfaces not tat the floors r v hot(get wut i mean)!]. all the time it was on grassy terrain or cool floors, we nvr rly felt the real pain. wut we hv suffered is in this terms, still rather superficial. they hv been so kind to us, so tolerating. and we were aldr whining. or maybe itz jus only me, for i used to think it was so bad, but not until i witnessed others. i realised tat maybe i was exaggerating the severity of our knock-it-downs after all. i guess this afternoon i "grew up", grew out of my childish whims and saw the way things rly r for the first time, given im the most immature in the squad.

on a side note if u love eating grass or wild plants try to get knocked down on a field! u can get to eat plenty u wld lose ur appetite even 4 dinner. im being sarcastic and not sarcastic at the same time. i cant help it im naturally sarcastic

during the last parade i was literally eating grass and flowering plants w their stalks every time  went down for one pumping. wut, dey so long and all run smack into my face, and everytime i counted when going down some would inevitably go into my mouth, and ofc natural reactions to clamp ur mouth shut rite? and be4 u know, u aldr swallowed >< so tat means i just ate some grass and plants everytime i did a pumping and counted the number so yummy ew no. i nvr had urge to drink green tea as tat day, sarcastically. it jus reminded me of tat tea n made me feel sick. i was literally plucking those stalky plants which were in my face off w so much force hahaha, one for each knockdown(hehe i plucked 7 oni cuz the rest i eat up my accident) hehe i murder plants #sounenvironmental yey

Ma'ams, if you are reading this I am not asking for more knock-it-downs, ma'ams!
 I was only stating my opinons not asking for more knockdowns ok!! @whoever who even reads dis trash

~kanchiong spider

Thursday 3 March 2016

NPC Visit

Hello Artemis and other poeple !

Today, we went to Toa Payoh NPC for a visit. However only 14/16 could come:( We learnt alot more about the Police Force while we were there. The Sirs were very funny especially when Bee Kim kept laughing for no particular reason HAHA, her whole face were red. Everyone was very inclusive (?) during this visit !! Charlene was also known as a " walking dictionary ". - I still think she reads the dictionary in her free time.

Bee Kim, Kavithaa, Sadhvi and I were also given the opportunity to wear the bulletproof vest, helmet and hold onto a " shield ". The vest was around 10kg, the helmet around 4kg and the shield was quite heavy. I can't believe  how policemen can run in that with their gadgets which are around 7kg !! I felt very safe while using the vest HAHA its also very hard. 

I learnt that the police car is also knows as a FRC- Fast Response Car and that policemen carry a Taurus 85 Revolver which has 5 bullets in it. Different officers have different duties. Some patrol around the neighbourhood, some gives talks to schools and NPCC Cadets and some are incharge of social media (eg: what to post on their twitter, facebook etc ) I also learnt that those at the counter are their first form of defense (?). They aren't allowed to attend to a problem or anyone outside as it might serve as a distraction for other dangerous activity to take place. The policemen also they their pledge everytime before they start work.

The values they need to have are: Courage, Loyalty, Integrity and Fairness.
I feel that these values also applies to us who are in NPCC. We must have the courage to speak up and share our opinions and thoughts. We should be loyal to the squad and Cedar NP Unit. We must be honest and tell the truth. Finally, we have to treat everyone else the same and not be bias towards others.

Now, I feel quite interested to be a Police Officer woohoo !!

Have a great week:)

- sukainah   

Toa Payoh NPC visit

Oh yay tdy was so fun like itz real!! The sirs were quite funny tbh (some of them)

We left at 2.05 and idk what tome we reach luh I didn't see

Apparently jap was laughing at me bc she said I sounded like a seagull when I laugh
There was like an intro..? And one of the sirs were just explaining stuff. Then bk started laughing like mad for no reason like she xiao aldr. Like literally. And then she kept laughing till her face red still laughing. And she was like slapping her leg the entire time haha. Her laughter wad so infectious yea everyone laughed too for no reason lol. We got so high (like we took drugs bc we influenced too)

We got to try on the armoury(ok not all of us)woo su tried first. It was damn heavy as the Sir said. Deon helped su put on. And then she tried resisting one of the sirs w the shield I think I can't rmb and say move back sir too

Then kavi got a chance to try too. It's so heavy u can practically see her head sag visibly after putting the helmet on. I'm not surprised for its like half to a third of her weight(she's quite light)

And yey finally sadhvi!! And then the sir was like put on a angry face, pretending u rly r and resist(applies to the previous ppl too). But as ya know, Sadhvi nvr gets angry so it's hard and impossible(reminds me of the song). Qe were still lauging so hard .So the sir was like "what makes you angry". She jus kept smiling/laughing too,  and I dunno what went wrong wif me for a moment, and I was like "ME" omg I can't believe I said that (!)πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
So yey I became the one she was supposed to resist. The sir was like dun resist so hard(if not logically all of us will go flying back lol). So i was a lil slack there but yay sadhvi tried her best!! ^_^she actually accomplished good job!! ^_^ bit tat oso means tat am her angry too ahaha I me everyone angry anyways sorry lah.

in between that I guess it was like a chat session idk how to say actually.

After that we had a short tour around the place. omygawd we got to see the holding room, and it must fell rly horrible to be it(only got a bench no tv no wifi & u r under surveillance so) but the sir said it has been v long since anyone was last kept in there(we could tell that from the dust balls and dusty floors no offense)

after that we went back to sch. we got a spacious bus this time round woo!! usually we crammed into small buses bc squad size v small sometime we even share seats but its ok

when we reach back to school we took so many photos such spam

when I was walking to mrt I poured away my water into the longkang(bc I filled a lot before we left 4 npc I nvr finish) and tat idiot ginger was like eh longkang inside got fishy?  stupiak but I still luv her

and hopefully aly makes it 4 her concert & has fun there ^-^
HERE R SOME PICS!! ITz our first pics in full u so haha yea enjoy we r vvv hot rite (sure agrees ok)

Candid muuchπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

This is perf but ew my body outline tho

Tried to look serious hereeee


~kanchiong spider aka yin2 

Wednesday 2 March 2016

letz fangirl 4 awhile hehe

wassup  shanks itz yin2 again ><

so we gg 4 visit to toa payoh npc tmr ooh kinda egg-cited (lol the pun & eggs r delicious) yey. and yea guess who cares so much abt it now. Alybabat. and u wanna noe why? not bc she looking forward to it, but bc she scared she late 4 her long awaited 5 sos concert or smth so cute I mean srsly. legit cute. no wonder she was acting all concerned ahaha I feel u I understand @aly. hohoho I no enuff time so I blg abt tdy's prade tmr cuz oi aldr 10.10 I need sleep leh I v tired. I am not gona study 4 spelling tmr bc I too tired and who gives a klunk even tho ill get my parents called up bc my second time failing but idc #YOLO (lmao it was our grp's captain's ball name during pt lol cr me)

jus realised our squad full of fangirls like aly is 5sos den beckham/burger king is kpop(she so many I even dk) den lingsi is 1 direction hohoho den charliflower oso quite a lot like me(both of us too many to mention, but mine r only book fandoms including their movies). but she shares same fandoms w me yay!! she is like one of the only few I an relate my fandoms to & yes rant abt politics sometimes esp Donald Trump hahahahahaha. got a few others tat I cant rly rmb.

officialy renaming myself to kanchiong spider bc my squaddies keep calling me tat(some of them lorh like ginger)

~kanchiong spider

Tuesday 1 March 2016

CCA tmr

yah CCA tmr so rush sia buy it's manageable I guess
To do list is like study 4 ct tmr and polish boots and read cc manual
Tbh I wish silently we couldve had had drills practice during cca time bc we haven't done drills in  quite a while aldr

Kk need a go now all the best jiayous tmr last CT!!
