16 individuals but 1 squad



Friday 18 March 2016

im back

hi squad and readers

so i hope yall have been having a gr8 march holiday with sooo little homework and nooo projects at all !! what a break. but really i hope yall have rested ( is there such word ) well but also catch up on your studies. SCHOOL SO MAFAN but also fun because of the people - heart emoji - ( if youre wondering yes im talking about school with artemisians )

( the pledge so far )
we, the artemisians of squad Artemis,
promise to not be haram and be good cadets.
and be loyal to the tent and not lepak
be great squadmates
and MAKE SURE GOT HALAL GAP ( not with horses or dogs ok tt one not funny )
and to tell the truth only when needed

( we're still working on it )

- ok now for more serious stuff -

i can feel that some of you are unhappy with being in the squad. ( not saying im always happy with being in Artemis, also not saying that i hate yall )
all of us definitely have our pet peeves, all our unhappy sad horrible days but i dont think that should affect the way we feel and behave towards the squad. i agree its quite hard for us to do that but i feel like some of us should really try change the way we view our squadmates? sometimes they are rude, irresponsible and unreasonable but there's always a reason behind it and we shouldnt over react to that because our reaction is what that cause that unhappiness thing. and the squad isnt that bonded ( definitely better than last year ofc! ) i dont know how for us to be bonded together more but i think one way that we can try ( which is very important imo ) is to make each one of Artemis feel appreciated and valued. we are a squad and we should behave like one. if someone feel excluded its not called Artemis anymore. Anyway CCA is tuesday am i right? ( lol i hope ) let's show ourselves we are better and capable of " taking over " since this year is our " taking over training " year.

- sukainah

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