16 individuals but 1 squad



Saturday 19 March 2016

thoughts yes thoughts

sup squaddies n readers (copying su bc hehe gd intro)

ok haha I read the last post n hm must be the first time I agreed w wutt su said the most? im not an agreeable person anyway no tats not ur problem. ok from now on ill try to manage my temper better, but if u r the one who comes about and gimme the flare( I dun mean the one in the death cure) den idk wut will happen. i wil try to exercise more restraint, but i think i may need help too? i know i haven't been rly nice to u guys, and i am sorry about that. but itz not rly my fault either sometimes u guys r oso rather unkind. as for being bonded, im not rly sure bc i oso dk how to rekindle our relationship between each other (we used to be so close at the start, before all the arguments came), but i think maybe we can apply the give-n-take strategy n not be so headstrong abt everything, n be more fair and not so bias? ik itz hard not to cloud our judgements with our existing impression of each other. i hope u guys can see tat im trying, even tho its not v obvs

hope u r making gd progress w ur homework bc tmr last day of March hols jengjengjeng. im done aldr yeyy

wen i woke up dis morn n i checked my ig first thing i saw was tat Dylan Obrien is in hospital?? apparently he got injured filming The Death Cure, if im not wrong he got hit by a car. he has broken 5 bones if im not wrong. how painful it must be for him, even breaking a bone hurts pretty bad. i hope he gets well soon!! the only annoying thing is how some ppl r overreacting like hes dying no he is not kindly chillax a bit, but jus bc he is not dying doesn't mean u underreact too(goodness those ppl r annoying too). I have seen so many aus and edits about it, so done. like dude. another annoying one is one of those stupid persons that are sending hate to whoever was driving, it was an ACCIDENT! I am pretty sure that person already feels bad so quit it. its not cool. n u r hurting tat person too. im not a big fan of DOB(sorry but Thomas Sangster is bae), but i still love him w all my heart, and i hope he recovers soon. *inserts emoji*

n the new font is so weird ok srsly weird can yall not change it so often gosh haha

n do u ship #Malec tat couple is so kawaii yes magnus is bae

sorry i ended up talking more abt my fandoms n stuff

the blog is becoming active again whoop

part looking forward n part scared 4 parade haha so early n yet

kanchiong spider

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