16 individuals but 1 squad



Saturday 19 March 2016

woah // march hols ending :(

okay hai im back after 92847572893726 years

heavy serious stuff coming

okay i actually heard of these problems on the squad group chat and i heard them from some people and since now im free ( im actually not im currently doing cheena but im bored so HERE I AM ) yes okay sorry for digressing but, yea glad that its not that bad anymore :) but i still want to add some stuff too. for example, i know some of us like to remind people not to do this, to do that, and the rest thinks of it as nagging or having more priority or leadership over the rest. its not, its just some useful reminding because some of us are abit forgetful ( i am sometimes ) and please keep in mind that we do not have power over one another, we are a squad, even when we take over next year, no matter which one of us becomes head of anything, everybody is of the same level, because we can always advise and suggest improvements to each other. hope this is cleared up !! and yes, i know we are not really bonded, we definitely improved from last year ! we are more tolerant towards each other so that's good !! and i think it would be better if we actually tell each other about whatever problems we have through whatsapp or face to face, don't rant about it online, because i personally think its not good ? because, not only will the person who you're unhappy about not be able to see it, they're not able to change for the better. yes i actually sort of did this before and i realised its useless so... yea... social media wont solve everything, it probably will only make the situation worse.

okay enough of heavy serious stuff

@artemisians its the end of march hols nuuuu :'( apparently its international HAPPINESS day today, but how to be happy when its the last day of march hols it should be changed to international SADNESS day is anyone chionging homework last minute ? :) (  i know sukainah is, shes doing geog HAHAHA ) okay anyways, tomorrow is the start of term 2 ( NOOOO ) and exams are looming :( so jiayous for everything !!! :)


~Deon :)

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