16 individuals but 1 squad



Friday 4 March 2016

some totz + feeling empty (!MIGHT BE DEEP!)

hohoho yinyin is back to terrorize ur senses i keep coming here wen i wanna procrastinate or is bored, do i treat it like a personal blog too much?

actually idk wut defines deep so yea

too lazy & too lazy to blog abt wed's parade anyway so contradictory

tdy is so mundane compared to ytd or Wednesday #anabundanceofmundanes

omy I felt so weird tdy bc no cca(had been rescheduled to wednesday aka 2 March) and aft I got back home aft pizza I just felt so empty and emotionless? and nutty. maybe I was just missing my squaddies's company, and their high-ness like drunk monkeys(hehe idk why monkeys)

i was so bored wen i got home and i felt so empty and emotionless like i dun give anything a klunk man i just went dead. i hv nothing to read, so sick of my fandom acc i wanna give it away or delete it, and i was too unsleepy. i was like 3.05, if it was a normal day we woulve been changing or done changing. i was literally doing tat sort of klunk.

I had nothing better to do an just decided to sit on my desk chair and watch the np ppl from the sec school directly in front of my house go about parade. a good way to waste idle time, esp aft CTs r over. and yes i like observing ppl and judging em hohoho beware. but no lah i just wanted to see what dey did during parade, for today was my only chance

I was watching them do a particular drill, and they had to do a couple of times bc not done well enough. about 2 min later I saw them getting knocked down, like omygawd I was so shocked, like ma'ams were so nice to us, even if we didn't do the drills they would just semula(?) us till we did it to their expectations, so I was kinda surprised when I witnessed it.

it just made me realise that we were being a lil too um weak(?) [no offense kiddos] whenever we got knocked down, groaning and stuff (dk if dis applies to yall @squaddies but still). but what we nvr realised tat was ma'ams had been giving us so many chances, been so nice to us, never knocking us down at all last year and not a lot too this year, except recent parades due to our lousy tent pitching. like yea. we haven't gotten knocked down on "hot ground"[by which i mean scorching hot surfaces not tat the floors r v hot(get wut i mean)!]. all the time it was on grassy terrain or cool floors, we nvr rly felt the real pain. wut we hv suffered is in this terms, still rather superficial. they hv been so kind to us, so tolerating. and we were aldr whining. or maybe itz jus only me, for i used to think it was so bad, but not until i witnessed others. i realised tat maybe i was exaggerating the severity of our knock-it-downs after all. i guess this afternoon i "grew up", grew out of my childish whims and saw the way things rly r for the first time, given im the most immature in the squad.

on a side note if u love eating grass or wild plants try to get knocked down on a field! u can get to eat plenty u wld lose ur appetite even 4 dinner. im being sarcastic and not sarcastic at the same time. i cant help it im naturally sarcastic

during the last parade i was literally eating grass and flowering plants w their stalks every time  went down for one pumping. wut, dey so long and all run smack into my face, and everytime i counted when going down some would inevitably go into my mouth, and ofc natural reactions to clamp ur mouth shut rite? and be4 u know, u aldr swallowed >< so tat means i just ate some grass and plants everytime i did a pumping and counted the number so yummy ew no. i nvr had urge to drink green tea as tat day, sarcastically. it jus reminded me of tat tea n made me feel sick. i was literally plucking those stalky plants which were in my face off w so much force hahaha, one for each knockdown(hehe i plucked 7 oni cuz the rest i eat up my accident) hehe i murder plants #sounenvironmental yey

Ma'ams, if you are reading this I am not asking for more knock-it-downs, ma'ams!
 I was only stating my opinons not asking for more knockdowns ok!! @whoever who even reads dis trash

~kanchiong spider

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