16 individuals but 1 squad



Sunday 6 March 2016

CCA on Weds ^_^

yey so itz confirmed cca is on wed. and we only hv to bring quarter uni bc oni drills revision yey finally drills yeyyeyyeyyey (tho idk if itz too early to be happy) for o lvl ppl like me sch ends early bc lj ends early, so maybe yall wanna hv sl even tho half de squad not turning up bc ip...? idk lah yall say jus practice urself but maybe since we hv wut close to 2 hrs maybe jus wanna meet up see each other face lorh n chillax hahaha but how to chill be4 cca

psps dere were so many dead crabs and starfishes(I counted more den 10 tho) on a beach I went tdy??

~kanchiong spider

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