16 individuals but 1 squad



Thursday 3 March 2016

NPC Visit

Hello Artemis and other poeple !

Today, we went to Toa Payoh NPC for a visit. However only 14/16 could come:( We learnt alot more about the Police Force while we were there. The Sirs were very funny especially when Bee Kim kept laughing for no particular reason HAHA, her whole face were red. Everyone was very inclusive (?) during this visit !! Charlene was also known as a " walking dictionary ". - I still think she reads the dictionary in her free time.

Bee Kim, Kavithaa, Sadhvi and I were also given the opportunity to wear the bulletproof vest, helmet and hold onto a " shield ". The vest was around 10kg, the helmet around 4kg and the shield was quite heavy. I can't believe  how policemen can run in that with their gadgets which are around 7kg !! I felt very safe while using the vest HAHA its also very hard. 

I learnt that the police car is also knows as a FRC- Fast Response Car and that policemen carry a Taurus 85 Revolver which has 5 bullets in it. Different officers have different duties. Some patrol around the neighbourhood, some gives talks to schools and NPCC Cadets and some are incharge of social media (eg: what to post on their twitter, facebook etc ) I also learnt that those at the counter are their first form of defense (?). They aren't allowed to attend to a problem or anyone outside as it might serve as a distraction for other dangerous activity to take place. The policemen also they their pledge everytime before they start work.

The values they need to have are: Courage, Loyalty, Integrity and Fairness.
I feel that these values also applies to us who are in NPCC. We must have the courage to speak up and share our opinions and thoughts. We should be loyal to the squad and Cedar NP Unit. We must be honest and tell the truth. Finally, we have to treat everyone else the same and not be bias towards others.

Now, I feel quite interested to be a Police Officer woohoo !!

Have a great week:)

- sukainah   

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