16 individuals but 1 squad



Wednesday 16 March 2016

k9 unit visit

ok so anyways got k9 unit visit tdy yalah yal noe rite sry im in a v bad mood now sry lah

ok so anyways tdy was only me aman & charliflower bc Deon had urgent matters or smth

we felt so terribly outnumbered (lmao like we gg to war) b it was like 3 of us compared to so many maams so. we just stood like outcasts bc itz liddat nvr missed the squad company as much like tdy

on the bus we had to lead some cheers and it turned out horribly bad bc we forgot the exact lines oops need more revision here like aman said earlier. ive got the weirdest feeling we "scandalized" the maams loads even if dey didn't say it oops

ok den we had to sing songs. we wanted to sing my favourite things and we spent half the time figuring out the lyrics unsuccessfully? we ended up singing smth else tat was so sombre but I liked it yey

it seemed kinda relevant to dis convo between will & jem :

"I promise to charm the dickens out of him," said Will, sitting up and readjusting his crushed hat. "I shall charm him with such force that when I am done, he will be left lying limply on the ground, trying to remember his own name."
"The man's eighty-nine," muttered Jem. "He may well have that problem anyway."

we r so like the man described by jem ahaha jus tat it wasn't bc we got the dickens charmed outta us, n yet we r only 13/14 memory impaired much oops

goodness we rly need a mnemosyne rune but we cant hv them, sadly. haha.

Then when we reached the place, we waited for the other schs to arrive before we started. We were so bored for we didn't hv anything w us like my book arghh I was on a climax nooo my mind died sobs. I wished we cldve at least brought out phones along for at least we can read on it, take fotos or do whatever klunk u wanted to do w it. such a phone-dependant generation haix. n den charliflower crossed her legs and uncrossed and uncrossed it bc we shldnt and she mentioned smth abt making her look like a slut or smth. and I was like u r a slut n we burst out laughing, ok maybe even aman. Charlene -- a slut, certified/endorsed by yinyin est 16 march '16 ahahaha. I guess it was the only fun moment in the waiting, bc other times we were jus talking abt how creepy it sounds when Charlene sings.

Then we watched a demonstration of what the different dogs were trained to do, which seemed to be the most interesting 4 me. omygawd dey r so cute!!!!! but no I prefer cats dey r cuter no offense

Then we were brought to the place where the display dogs were?? heard it was relatively safe to touch dem 4 dey hadn't bitten anyone be4, but no we cant touch dogs other den dem bc dey may still bite. Charlene would not touch dem, but I wanted to but I wanted someone w me bc it was kinda awkward?? and a lil scared bc I haven't touched dogs be4 ever since one bit me years ago. I got to touch dem eventually yey ^-^ n aman was like its right not to listen to Charlene sometimes, which I kinda agree w.The ma'ams were taking pictures with the dogs while we were like, had nothing much to do. otherwise we were jus standing around while the ma'ams were taking pictures with the dogs and more pics ok it was fun looking.

den we returned to school? we were still having problems figuring out the lyrics correctly hahaha we got so many lines but we didn't know where dey belonged n some missing word here n dere

ok sry 4 sucky post

oops seems to be the word of this post

kanchiong spider

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