16 individuals but 1 squad



Monday 21 March 2016

cca tmr so reminders

hihihi u guys noe tmr got cca rite so im gonna jus say some stuff

1. plz do not forget to bring any of ur uni parts to changing be4 cca ok no guantees but plsplsplsplspls try im begging u its not so difficult (I suggest u put on name tags n stuff be4 coming?bc itz one of the mst commonly forgotten stuff)

2. plz dun put stuff on floor wen folding clothes during changing (esp hangers & pegs!!!!!!) VVV IMPT OK

ok tats all not gonna nag anymore ^-^ hv fun shanks yey but pls rmb dis plzz

p.s. how was first day of term 2....?

yey no hw tdy so happy

ive got a terrible feeling tho cant explain it

kanchiong spider

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