16 individuals but 1 squad



Tuesday 22 March 2016

niki is bAck

hi squad and readers

it's actually quite late for me though it's 9.55pm but i'll blog anyway.

So we had our first parade this year with niki !! finally back, but still on very light duty( dim duty ) We just ended school at 3.15+ so we were of course late for CCA :( It was ' Hestia ma'ams trying out for ncos and stuff  ' day woot ! CCA wasn't that bad, maybe because we had no tent pithing, and PT was quite fun. We actually had 5bx as a break between 2 rounds of running. To make it more fun, ma'ams actually added the ' follow the leader ' game during the run. - ma'ams if you read this its actually a good idea -

Drills wasn't as bad as i expected? We didn't had drill practice for so many parades ( for like a month? ) so i thought we did quite good actually. Arm swings and bangings definitely improved imo. I actually think the morning practices we have are very beneficial and that we should continue.
However, i think our progress is very unconsistant. Sometimes we were quite good and sometimes we're not. I feel that we really need to improve on our kebelakang pusing.

We are super enthu this parade HAHA we should continue - inserts thumbs up emoji -

We got quite alot of things confiscated:'( We exceeded our changing timing by alot. Honestly, i feel that cheering while changing slows me down ? I also think if yall dont tie your shoe laces before changing it saves time putting on, so it's easier.

Anyway despite all those bad stuff good job for today's parade !! I think we did well as a squad:)

- sukainah

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