16 individuals but 1 squad



Thursday 17 March 2016

hi pls read (no offense)

hi guys so as yall know rite Tues got cca, and yea I jus rmb I hv a couple of things I needa say

be4 cca we hv to change to full u, so we need to bring it along to the toilet rite? ok most of u dun forget ur stuff, but dere r a couple of u who keep forgetting to, n itz v annoying for the faster ppl to go back and forth to bring it back 4 yall. I mean once or twice u may forget, tats a lil excusable, but when u keep forgetting, it v irritating 4 us. and itz almost always the same few people. the worst when we come back w ur stuff, somebody else asks "oh can u get ____ for me? I forgot to bring" and u hv to run back again, n occasionally it happens tat we hv to run about thrice to 4 times. hv. dis kinda times, I rly feel like locking my arms around tat person's neck, not in a passionate embrace, but in a passionate fury, and wanting to shake the living daylights outta tat person (sry I v violent). itz v frustrating n tiring 4 us, and be4 parade even began we wldve ran so much aldr. n its always almost the same few of us getting em 4 yall, like me gw n aman n some others. im not saying dis bc I too lazy dun wan help yall, but when its a weekly occurance, I feel like literally bursting at yall and tearing my hair out. has it occurred to yall tat we oso need to fold our own stuff, n tat ur sucking the life outta us?? when u go to shower, u dun forget to bring ur clothes along rite(unless u like to parade ur nice body)?? so why cant u treat it dis way? what makes it so different? I wish it can cease happening as often bc its getting on our nerves. or maybe we can charge money for every part u forget n add it to squad fund, so tat will either solve tat problem or the funds will increase in amt yey

and oso wen we change during cca n need to fold stuff, I realize some of us put stuff on the floor(yes hanger n pegs too). no srsly u noe wut will happen if it is seen rite?? n even wen we tell yall, u ignore us, but ok at least u picked it up in the end. dude, I understand u hv no space wen folding, but im sure u can place it somewhere (e.g. hands, shirt collar, lap) or at least pass it to someone?

n ok plz stop relying too much on the faster ones too it can get pretty annoying for us, esp wen u ask 4 help even be4 we changed or wen u dun exactly need it? im not saying u kenut, but itz srsly irritating, esp wen u give eyepower wen we r helping u fold em n itz ur last piece of clothing, so cant u do it urself?

plz dun get offended ok its just mine n some other ppl's opinion ( yes I discussed it w some others too)

on a side note ALLEGIANT IS OUT TDY WHOOP!! but I didn't manage to get tickets bc all sold out >:( , but das ok bc it means sales r good n its got 4 the film ^-^

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