16 individuals but 1 squad



Saturday 23 April 2016

same topic as prev post haha

but diff person lol

I was jus reading thru it jus now n omy su I agree so much. memories of last yr's pop is so omg

not gonna write a lot about pop bc I got too much n I'm afraid my words have the ability to move one to tears haha

all of us r quite sorry tat it was time for astraia maams to pop, and we would definitely miss them. but at the same time, we are looking forward to future parades w Hestia maams where we hope to improve even more

I guess the one thing I dare say is that change is not always loss, and there will always be joy in meeting again. I suppose u shld get what im saying?

we would definitely cherish the memories we have w astraia maams, such as parades and ac. I guess the quote that suits well here is:

"Every moment was valuable; even the bad ones."  
  ~Clary Fray

don't u agree? I mean yes not everything was pleasant but it is worthwhile holding onto even those memories. pretty sure I used this quote for one of the letters but frankly cant rmb who. n I hope none of the maams have gotten eyesight problems from reading my letters yet.

heres a rly stupid but rly funny joke(tryna mimick su):

Q: A man walked into a zoo. the only animal in the entire zoo is a dog. what did he call the zoo?
A: A shitzhu

omg do u geddit?? HAHAHAHAHA


reminder tat there is squad recess tmr ok byee

kanchiong spiderr

POP long ago

hello Artemisians and non-artemisians

POP was few days ago but i didn't have time to blog but since it's Saturday now /(^V^)/

So we actually managed to march this POP, i remembered noober Artemis last year standing along the corridor. Seeing Astraia ma'ams POP is definitely not a good experience (? idk what words to use), i know all of us don't want them to POP yet:/ Definitely won't forget all the amazing parades with them :D Also looking forward to Hestia ma'ams taking us though, hoping with their help and our effort we can improve much more. 

Astraia ma'ams: Ma'ams i know you read our blog. I just wanted to say that yall are really cool. You never stop believing in us. You continued to encourage us every time without fail. Tbh, because of you, many of us now are more interested in NP and have a positive attitude towards our cca. You took the effort to help us in everyway possible and Artemis really really appreciates that. I don't what Artemis would be without you, ma'ams. -heart heart-

Hestia ma'ams: Ma'ams, I don't know if you read our blog but if you do, just know that Artemis looks forward to Hestia maams taking over the Cedar NP Unit. We hope that together, we can improve more and strive for greater heights, ma'ams. 

Artemis: hi squad. squid squat squad. heh yall know what i'm going to say already but let's keep cool -when your entire life is android and you have no emoji, insert coolguy emoji- let's improve for next parade ya, esp for tent pitching. " peg peg peg peg peg, we gotta pitch a tent tent tent tent tent " (cr: alyssa ) also our drills!! hoping for more morning practice

- here's some lyrics of songs to make you emo-
They can never tear us apart --directed to Artemis and NCOs
This is our story, that we can take back some day --to Cedar NP
Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days --Astraia ma'ams:)
( ok i can't think of more will come back and edit this )

-here's a joke to reduce emoness-
If C(h)ristiano Ronaldo is Muslim, he would be Muslimo Ronaldo

also if you think edms are cool, talk to me i think i'm obsessed already
-this blog not ded but less alive, i think it's dying bc CTs next week ( if you haven't revise, high five )


Tuesday 19 April 2016

maams pop tmr :''(

ok yea so as the title suggests, pop iz tmr. oh dear, such truths cannot be good for one's mental health n positivity, esp in the morn.

I think we r done w the gifts? i saw jap rushing like hell w the letters aft sch ytd haha. pretty sure maams would wanna strangle me after reading my letters, but I dun mind tho. I, might as well say we, rly hope maams will like our gifts tho (using this tense bc haven't done the action yet)

I think pop has been the only thing on our minds, well, for most of us. I mean, doesn't rly concern us but jus yea. why does it seem like only ytd tat zephyr maams pop-ed? time is too fast we r so gonna miss our ncos n other maams

kanchiong spider

Saturday 16 April 2016

road marshlling tdy

I hv no idea why I keep coming back to here but I think my soul belongs here nah jk im jus bored

yep so there was road marshalling = wake up early = sleepy but its ok bc it was fun. I was kinda late but I made it in time phew. after we were done changing w jus stood around 4 awhile cuz we didn't know what to do?? later we fell in at the foyer. ok yea not long later sir arrived. apparently he commented some of our berets looked bad by using mine as an example but ok I accept it bc I know its the truth but I cant even tho ive tried 4 months aldr?? why is Charlene's damn nice why

idk what time we started lah . nik + deon took back of canteen while su near the gate n char, me n ay arnd the road, but sadhvi n nurul idk. apparently aly wanted the spot closest to deon n nik bc she wanted to socialize w em, but it was fine w me n char bc we socialized w each other haha. I mean thru hand signs (yesss sounds like parabatai talent bc we can understand each other so well) most of the time.

apparently road marshalling isn't a boring task bc u hv the company of mosquitoes. im not complaining ok jus well. u noe wut? mosquitoes r like family; they are annoying and they share ur blood. geddit?? hahahahaha im tryna reduce the situation to mosquito jokes

at about 8-something (somewhere arnd 820 I think) we got a break till 8.25 . we ltr went to cedar primary.

some ppl were asking why there were so many of us, n stuff liddat it was pretty funny. some were even nice to say hi etc. n aft tat we had a ''break'' n apparently a grouped up to form an artemis organisation haha. there was this smth tat made some of us mad but ok not stating it here (this has nothing to do w ma'ams dun get me wrong)

at about 9, aft we got back, we were dismissed, phew. most of us were surprised, since we expected to be dismissed near 10-10.15, as dismissal was stated as 10.15 or smth. we collected our bags, changed den left. the rest went to the library bc there was food so haha I dunno what happened after.

kanchiong spider

Thursday 14 April 2016

no update since the 8th wow

wassup shanks

jus realised nobody posted since the 8th yep. jus updating bc why not.

we had drills practice this morn. only 6 (or 5 idk my math sucks) turned up but haha morning so can understand u need to chiong hw so. I almost forgot until i saw ginger's empty seat in our classroom oops. I did the drills in my socks bc my shoes not canvas wow. if u dun understand I took off my shoes yes it actually feels better barefoot tho. jap was like are u serious and I am like yes haha. her expression damn funny and oso quite cute lol(no offense, n no judging thx). bc tdy pe so 2.4 km practice dammit if I wear canvas shoes my foot later hurt as if I ran thru hell barefoot so no not sacrificing my comfort. hopefully none of u saw me in my socks bc embarrassing many ppl were staring haha but heck care if they dun know me lorh

our drills like bangings were better tdy, but den again only abt 6 of us mah. we practiced hentak n a couple of other stuff be4 deciding to do marching. we had major arguments over whether to belok (is this how u spell it??) around the classroom block (the second part, the behind one, not the one with our usual classrooms is this clear enough). but we were not angry or anything w each other lah, jus disagree, plenty of yes ans no-s. I sided w jap for yes, n su was no. in the end, the ayes got it, so everyone say aye now. it was srsly fun actually hehe but ahem some of us wanted to go to original point n hentak there but we ended up berhenti-ing somewhere near the main classroom block staircase. den we jus continued marching there after some nattering. den there was announcement that assembly starting soon n we were leh meh shld we jus hv it outside the classroom. but we ended up gg back haha.

I ended up with blackened socks haizz and blackened shoe soles but aiya can wash lah I hope.

so sad games parade cancelled sobs so no cca tmr noo  :( it had been our source of motivation too. like last parade, when we did tent pitching and all, we just tot suffer n do this parade well, next week we can have fun. in school, idk for the rest of u, I was counting down the days, thinking Friday would end off w a bang, aha im a obsessive person. ginger n I were like talking abt it after pop rehearsal ytd n ok she actually tot it meant usual parade instead of games parade hahaha, tats why she was sad, but when she found out it was jus cca cancelled, phew. lol.

n I think they practiced skit too after school tdy? idk cldnt stay back due to urgent matters, n im not acting as im confiscated anyways so my presence wasn't v necessary haha.

still doing the pop letters for ma'ams still oni 3 done tdy such slow progress.

oh n rmb to sign ur forms @ road marshalling ppl k bye

kanchiong spider

Friday 8 April 2016

please don't pop yet

Hello Artemisians me is back

Artsfest went great yesterday woot, performed for MCS Drama yesterday ! Though we didn't get to watch the other CCAs, I bet they were great :)

Because of Artsfest, alyssa, nik and I missed parade :( After knowing it was the last proper parade with Astraia ma'ams , i felt really sad. Tbh I really really don't want them to POP it's just like yesterday Zephyr ma'ams POPed dayumm that was really fast. Going to miss Astraia ma'ams for sure. But also looking forward for Hestia ma'ams taking over !

Astraia ma'ams did their best for the NP Unit, for us. Honestly, without their help, i think we wouldn't be better. I'm sure because of them, we improved :'D

Also, I heard ya'll had a changing timing of 5minutes and 7 seconds? that's great !! Really proud of Artemis, proof we can do better guys - thumbs up emoji -

- Astraia ma'ams, if you read this, just know Artemis appreciates you alot and we will miss you -

- sukainah

Final "proper" parade w Sec 4 ma'ams whyy

hai itz yin2. nice post n super gr8 parade to blog about. ok the pic in this post is not related to this parade so u may wanna ignore, but I cldnt help it

yes it is final "proper" parade w Sec 4 ma'ams, but this is mainly about parade, so do not expect me to get overly sentimental and poetic

haix tdy was final parade w our NCOs + other ma'ams and we made a colossal a mess...literal big mess of many things, screwed up so badly and disappointed ma'ams terribly I feel so bad ugh.

we met up 2 eat tgt be4 parade. n everyone was so jittery and nervous well we did badly trying to calm each other down. I ended up watching shadowhunters season finale again oops. I keep crying over the ending where jace goes thru the portal no matter how many times ive watched it. n simon was such a good fren to clary sekewt

we had tent pitching tdy. I was seriously considering pouring water on the field to soften the hard soil be4 parade itz damn hard like rocks. if any black beetles ever bother u in the nite, u cld actually dig a piece of de soil out and use it to kill them. but how to even dig them out w ur brittle fingernails in the first place. ugh the weather is goals, the heat is fantastic, and itz effects are far reaching and so wonderful. humid enviro + hard soils, im not complaining but ugh

we had changing first ofc. initial target was 5 min, but we ended up exceeding, as usual. but guess what?? we got 5 min 07 secs. I mean, this is nothing to be proud of, and is nothing compared to ma'ams. And besides it was done with 9 ppl so it was faster. but hey we broke our changing record finally! >< ginger timed during changing tdy bc deon outta timing. wen we were @ 4 min, she was screaming "1 min left" so excitedly. I mean, she was so excited bc it seemed quite possible to actually hit the target at first. she told me on the car yep. like 7 secs cmon! so close yet so far. terribly disappointing...such failures and crushed ideals.

we had tent pitching so we split into 2 grps. I forgot the other team's name, but ours was 5 little bottles hehehe. cr me lol. our cheer went like '5 lil bottles, swimming in the sea. rolling up the beach, pitch a lil tent' or smth I cannot exactly rmb but it was super funny n well ma'ams expressions were quite amusing actually. we got questioned as to why 5 little bottles tho but hahaha we stuck to it.

target was 22 min. we tot it was oni inner sheet mah, since we nvr pitch outer sheet be4. but ok I read manual so I had some faint idea, but not v good bc some explanations were a lil unclear. I was stunned when I realised ma'am meant for us to complete a full tent, but no choice lah, jus try lorh. our grp almost finished I feel so unsatisfied. had we not pegged the pegs 4 outer sheet the wrong way, we wld've completed it. I know this timing sucks compared to ma'ams but still quite an achievement bc usually 22 min oso struggling to complete inner sheet. the other team was not so lucky, bc twine kept snapping? we finally understood from ma'ams why that happens--2 ppl of unequal strength so yeap. but what matters is both teams nvr managed to complete. ma'ams were so disappointed, we felt so bad. we got knocked down later but we pretty much deserved it.

ugh changing again. somehow autocorrect keeps changing it to caging its so annoying. this time, our failure was so much worser. target was 4 min 50 secs, but ended up w 5 min 50-smth secs or 6 min plus cant rmb. dun wanna talk abt this.

we revised hentak kaki for the next part of parade, but be4 tat we had reflections written. ugh, our drills sucked big time. some of us kept lagging, we nvr lock our arms, bangings super uncoordinated, anticipating drills, oh what has become of it I cant even find words to say. our standard as so much worser than last week's. when we hentak, we keep moving, bc we nvr lock arms, body etc.

we had debrief after that. it gave me quite a pang thru my heart when ma'am said that this would be the final time they were doing, and how mad they were with us. all of us were quite sad, n disappointed w ourselves, bc we promised ourselves that we would do better for this parade, make this parade a good one for ma'ams, n yet we did the exact opposite, if not worser.

on the bright side, hey, we achieved some new heights, but still not the best n definitely not yet satisfactory enough.

we need to practice more, n not keep making up klunk. I mean, not all r les, but we must live up to our words, tat we practice w our squad.

my thoughts towards this parade is so mixed up n utterly confusing

our squaddies who didnt come tdy due to arts fest were asking us how was tdy, but there is so much to say I think itz better saying it out den typing or I will die. actually didn't I just say it hahaha. but this is the brief version, lacking many details which r well, I prefer not to say here. but personally or within ourselves.

so happy bc I leant that shadowhunters season 2 will be extended to 20 episodes!!!!!!!!!! out next year, such a long wait, but all least we got season 2 oh wellz

hv a "gr8" weekend shanks

kanchiong spider



Wednesday 6 April 2016

kind of worked??

hello my fellow friends, thou should read the all mighty's post

heh kidding but you're already reading hoho super early unexpected post from hippolytacos :D

so i tried niki's method and it kind of worked?? dayum niki you boot polishing senpai. 1st try was okay, 2nd try i waited for too long and it turned black 3rd try was quite good. I'm actually writting this while polishing llamao. okay UPDATE: i just wiped it and now it's super shinee ( not as shiny as nik's ofc ) but such amusement much wow, also trying seasoning beret like how gin wen did !! as we all know charlene's and hers are my ultimate beret goal. * hoping my beret turns out flatter * so i used a kain buruk for polishing (translation: an old rag? ) ok but basically i used a part of a really old tee.

Also, alyssa, nik and i might not be going for CCA this week:/ idk how to feel about that but jia you for parade guys !! Anyone going for arts fest? yall can see me - wink wink -

exams already coming up -_- im dying already please send help but can lepak abit after that i guess? ALSO SHAKESPREARE IS COOL just saying, Midsummer Night's Dream is quite interesting

also i heard NP Day is on a weekend this year again? sAd


this the women but not this the man

- sukaiNAh

omg thx nik

tysm 4 de tips nik!! (if u read dis) but I too lazy polish now zzz. @whoever who posted the 2 posts be4 nik yall damn lucky sia get to try we had to skip bc too many ppl *sobs* im so envious oh wellz. it sounds so fun. ugh. im so envious.

from the soonest time possible can we meet up like on 4 mornings?? like 2 to practice drills, 2 to practice knots. I mean, what else do u hv to do anyway, other den like occasionally chiong hw or ur projects. den maybe those days u dun come lah. we hv been slacking quite a bit dis week haiz no morn practices yet??

n why do ppl keep confusing npcc w ncc its amusing. like wen we went to army museum ytd my rcy fren's squaddie was like u shld be excited rite its ur home ground? I was like no words to say. n yet she knew im frm np like ok? wasn't the first time I heard the mistake anyways. apparently ppl keep thinking np n ncc is the same thing or smth like wow. the 'p' can make such a big diff but idk how its the same actually.

shadowhunters season finale out ytd gonna hv to wait till next yr for season 2 nooo. it wasn't as good as they said it would be in my pov. they said u wld be kept t the edge of ur seat but I was kept at the edge of my seat cringing. oh well.

sangster gangster XD

Tuesday 5 April 2016

SHINee booties

BOOT TUT *heart shaped eyes*

Kkk hi friends,
here's a tut on shiny boots. Not the best method in the world ah!

Rag (preferably cotton)
A bit of water
Shining brush (optional)


1. Coat your boot with Kiwi.
Use the tip of your shining brush (cloth also can) and well, coat your boot thoroughly with an even layer of kiwi. Then let it rest for a few minutes.

2. Dab your cloth with A BIT OF WATER
After doing that ^, polish boots in circular motion.
** You can use anything cotton to polish. Even your old singlet (the zest of sweat may help with the shine hohohoohoh)


Ciirrcuularr motion

3. Admire your boots
After all that, hopefully you can see your teeth. No need mirror alr... GOT YO BOOTS. Wuhu!!

- Don't let the Kiwi rest too long, later harden then your boots become matte
- Don't apply a thick layer of kiwi (use agaration), bc later when you polish, the excess kiwi will "come off", so it's a waste
- Dab more H2O if needed but don't overdose!!!!!


- niko atsume

same person as the post a few min ago :")

i forgot to ask, how's hentak going for you guys :D remember ask anyone is you're unsure or something and remember last parade i said that we should test each other the knots of tent pitching when we meet up in the morning/ sr/ sl ? we should actually do that it can be quite useful for us because Ma'ams say we rely too much on the same people to know the knots and that's actually slowing us down, so maybe in the morning ( because more people turn up in the morning rather than sr or sl ) instead of practising drills we test each other the knots and make sure we work under a time limit ? sounds okay ? ( i'll wa the official group later about this right now my phone is chargingggg )

bye artemisians i need to get back to cheena eeshhhh

pop why // last official parade :(

i was bored while doing cheena corrections ( im falling asleep halp ) but bcl today quite fun riteeee but quite tiring also WHO MANAGED TO CLIMB THE ROPE IN THE S.O.C i couldn't OOPS ( cough not enough APT cough ) plus, i can never jump high enough for my feet to be supported by that fat knot ( why being short is bad ) tbh in my opinion i think the wall is the easiest HAHAHAAH OH AND SHOOTINGGGG alyssa was like 10/15 what what bk and jap didn't do as well as alyssa but ITS OKAY THE RIFLE IS HEAVY ITS NOT YOUR FAULT ( i forgot my score and idk the rest of your scores heh ) okay back to topic

Ma'ams popping soon omytian what what Ma'ams Adishni said that next week would be the last official parade with NCOs noooooo whyyyy i would miss NCOs :( parade will still be on friday though so the CS people will be MIA D: but this friday last official parade so MUST MUST MUST perform 100% and more okayssss we need to make NCOs proud !! ( at least for once )


i think y'all know who am i :)

Saturday 2 April 2016

back @ it again w the pointles posts

hi guys yin2 here againnn

hv yall been good kids n practicing ur drills *asks in a creepy voice*

I was jus practicing hentak n my mum came barging into my room asking why I was making so much noise, I will be a disturbance t0 the ill uncle downstairs blablabla, like legit?? I was trying my best not to make noise, like only tapping sounds when my foot came down?? or maybe she had hearing like a bat's idk but I swear I was no elephant.

so im officially barred from practicing tat drill in da hse again oh well.

I had been polishing my boots this morn, n my mum praised me for being such a good girl, since she tot I was polishing my dad's shoes hahahahaha. only when my sis pointed out tat it wasn't my dad's but my boots tat I was polishing did she realise it was pretty amusing.

my whole life revolves around np, n im glad to be kept occupied. adds spice to my monotonous life

I saw this funny joke and so I wanted to share it. im v generous rite.

Person A: Is there a hole in your shoe?
Person B: No.
Person A: Then how did your foot get in?

omygawdd sometimes jokes can be so dumb they r funny.

I doubt anyone ever reads the blog nowadays oops.

so sad its final ever (usual/proper/watevr) parade w sec 4 maams this Friday. we r gonna miss em so badly. tat day has to come someday, n we all noe tat v well, haiz

I wanted to post a dedi 4 this, the 100th post, but delaying it to 101 sorry kids. but u will not regret it, it will be good. luv every single one of u squids!! @artemisss


sangster gangster XD

Friday 1 April 2016

cca ytd

post count - 99

yes what a way to start of a post. yep we had parade ytd but I was too tired to post so

we had squad lunch ytd be4 cca, but oni 9 ppl turned up how sad. we standardized our stuff yep hopefully no more alterations to it itz driving me crazy learning a new one whenever it keeps getting changed.

there was this time where me, char, ginger n sadhvi were the oni ones left @ timberdeck (I think, wasn't paying too much attention to my surroundings) bc the rest left to get food or smth. ginger was helping to tie sadhvi's braids. n char was like oh hv u seen the malec kiss scene in the most recent episode, which got us up into a frenzy. poor sadhvi, she probably didn't know what the 3 of us were squealing madly about. I watched it be4 aldr, but only snippets. n when char showed it me n ginger were literally crowding around the table, bent over. we practically screamed when it happened omg. ginger was practically so excited she forgot about the hair-tying business n bent over to watch such tat she was still holding sadhvi's hair hahaha. ppl mustve been wondering wats gg on bc we were all crowded around n screaming hahaha but who cares malec is bae. I guess this is what happens when u put tmi fans tgt oh well, esp the malec shippers. MALEC MALEC MALEC PERFECT . coherency has totally left me oops.

we left to change n prepare ourselves later, but I didn't even manage to finish episode 1 haizz last 10 min lehh.

yep 4 parade we had drills n campcraft

we learnt a new drill!! its hentak kaki I think, but if it rly is, pardon me bc idk how to spell it correctly on well. I actually find the drill pretty fun and interesting, even tho its vvv tiring. we oso learnt berhenti. the timing is pretty similar to marching(?), or am I wrong.

we split into 3 grps later on to practice. n in my grp, well, I was the timer, n I did the job so poorly im cringing. I keep forgetting to time, n bc of me, well, we had to redo many times, or I did not time well enough so we were pretty uncoordinated, im so sorry. I didn't have any idea how tiring it was to be a timer, till got to try it out. now I feel pretty thankful for bk n well made me feel much more appreciative. I oso understood how essential timers are, then.

yep after tat was campcraft. before tat ofc changing, which we suck at horribly. we had a target of 5 min or 5min-smth, but we ended up w 6 min 18 s, which is so far overshot. I guess our main problem is w folding. we can change within a decent time, but ugh, folding the clothes is our weakness, esp the blouse. idk what but maybe we can try folding at home?

we pitched a tent yep, but only the inner sheet. target was 22 min. exceeded again. but at least we tried. I dunno, I feel so bad for getting injured so early it makes me feel so pathetic. I wish I could've helped. we need to practice our knots more often, for it seems tat some of us r still unsure of certain steps. oh yes n our arm power too, I guess.

we brought back the campcraft back to the store, afterwards debrief. cca over.

aft we had changed be4 gg home, ginger said the new drill wrongly. she was like "hentak kaki lepak---" . nice alteration gw! I cldnt help but burst out laughing. sometimes she can so funny.

sry tat im being so curt abt all this. ok bye I hope this was enough

I think the name of kanchiong spider is not nice, not cool, lame, whatever. maybe sangster gangster? plz bear w me hahahaha. idk itz a fandom name anyway n tbs all da way. yey ok im changing it!

ohohoh n if im not wrong from now on we r gonna be practicing drills every morning be4 assembly yep. unless I got the info wrong.

oh n does anyone read The Selection...?

lub u guys @artemis !! v random but oh

kanchiong spider