16 individuals but 1 squad



Wednesday 6 April 2016

omg thx nik

tysm 4 de tips nik!! (if u read dis) but I too lazy polish now zzz. @whoever who posted the 2 posts be4 nik yall damn lucky sia get to try we had to skip bc too many ppl *sobs* im so envious oh wellz. it sounds so fun. ugh. im so envious.

from the soonest time possible can we meet up like on 4 mornings?? like 2 to practice drills, 2 to practice knots. I mean, what else do u hv to do anyway, other den like occasionally chiong hw or ur projects. den maybe those days u dun come lah. we hv been slacking quite a bit dis week haiz no morn practices yet??

n why do ppl keep confusing npcc w ncc its amusing. like wen we went to army museum ytd my rcy fren's squaddie was like u shld be excited rite its ur home ground? I was like no words to say. n yet she knew im frm np like ok? wasn't the first time I heard the mistake anyways. apparently ppl keep thinking np n ncc is the same thing or smth like wow. the 'p' can make such a big diff but idk how its the same actually.

shadowhunters season finale out ytd gonna hv to wait till next yr for season 2 nooo. it wasn't as good as they said it would be in my pov. they said u wld be kept t the edge of ur seat but I was kept at the edge of my seat cringing. oh well.

sangster gangster XD

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