16 individuals but 1 squad



Friday 8 April 2016

Final "proper" parade w Sec 4 ma'ams whyy

hai itz yin2. nice post n super gr8 parade to blog about. ok the pic in this post is not related to this parade so u may wanna ignore, but I cldnt help it

yes it is final "proper" parade w Sec 4 ma'ams, but this is mainly about parade, so do not expect me to get overly sentimental and poetic

haix tdy was final parade w our NCOs + other ma'ams and we made a colossal a mess...literal big mess of many things, screwed up so badly and disappointed ma'ams terribly I feel so bad ugh.

we met up 2 eat tgt be4 parade. n everyone was so jittery and nervous well we did badly trying to calm each other down. I ended up watching shadowhunters season finale again oops. I keep crying over the ending where jace goes thru the portal no matter how many times ive watched it. n simon was such a good fren to clary sekewt

we had tent pitching tdy. I was seriously considering pouring water on the field to soften the hard soil be4 parade itz damn hard like rocks. if any black beetles ever bother u in the nite, u cld actually dig a piece of de soil out and use it to kill them. but how to even dig them out w ur brittle fingernails in the first place. ugh the weather is goals, the heat is fantastic, and itz effects are far reaching and so wonderful. humid enviro + hard soils, im not complaining but ugh

we had changing first ofc. initial target was 5 min, but we ended up exceeding, as usual. but guess what?? we got 5 min 07 secs. I mean, this is nothing to be proud of, and is nothing compared to ma'ams. And besides it was done with 9 ppl so it was faster. but hey we broke our changing record finally! >< ginger timed during changing tdy bc deon outta timing. wen we were @ 4 min, she was screaming "1 min left" so excitedly. I mean, she was so excited bc it seemed quite possible to actually hit the target at first. she told me on the car yep. like 7 secs cmon! so close yet so far. terribly disappointing...such failures and crushed ideals.

we had tent pitching so we split into 2 grps. I forgot the other team's name, but ours was 5 little bottles hehehe. cr me lol. our cheer went like '5 lil bottles, swimming in the sea. rolling up the beach, pitch a lil tent' or smth I cannot exactly rmb but it was super funny n well ma'ams expressions were quite amusing actually. we got questioned as to why 5 little bottles tho but hahaha we stuck to it.

target was 22 min. we tot it was oni inner sheet mah, since we nvr pitch outer sheet be4. but ok I read manual so I had some faint idea, but not v good bc some explanations were a lil unclear. I was stunned when I realised ma'am meant for us to complete a full tent, but no choice lah, jus try lorh. our grp almost finished I feel so unsatisfied. had we not pegged the pegs 4 outer sheet the wrong way, we wld've completed it. I know this timing sucks compared to ma'ams but still quite an achievement bc usually 22 min oso struggling to complete inner sheet. the other team was not so lucky, bc twine kept snapping? we finally understood from ma'ams why that happens--2 ppl of unequal strength so yeap. but what matters is both teams nvr managed to complete. ma'ams were so disappointed, we felt so bad. we got knocked down later but we pretty much deserved it.

ugh changing again. somehow autocorrect keeps changing it to caging its so annoying. this time, our failure was so much worser. target was 4 min 50 secs, but ended up w 5 min 50-smth secs or 6 min plus cant rmb. dun wanna talk abt this.

we revised hentak kaki for the next part of parade, but be4 tat we had reflections written. ugh, our drills sucked big time. some of us kept lagging, we nvr lock our arms, bangings super uncoordinated, anticipating drills, oh what has become of it I cant even find words to say. our standard as so much worser than last week's. when we hentak, we keep moving, bc we nvr lock arms, body etc.

we had debrief after that. it gave me quite a pang thru my heart when ma'am said that this would be the final time they were doing, and how mad they were with us. all of us were quite sad, n disappointed w ourselves, bc we promised ourselves that we would do better for this parade, make this parade a good one for ma'ams, n yet we did the exact opposite, if not worser.

on the bright side, hey, we achieved some new heights, but still not the best n definitely not yet satisfactory enough.

we need to practice more, n not keep making up klunk. I mean, not all r les, but we must live up to our words, tat we practice w our squad.

my thoughts towards this parade is so mixed up n utterly confusing

our squaddies who didnt come tdy due to arts fest were asking us how was tdy, but there is so much to say I think itz better saying it out den typing or I will die. actually didn't I just say it hahaha. but this is the brief version, lacking many details which r well, I prefer not to say here. but personally or within ourselves.

so happy bc I leant that shadowhunters season 2 will be extended to 20 episodes!!!!!!!!!! out next year, such a long wait, but all least we got season 2 oh wellz

hv a "gr8" weekend shanks

kanchiong spider



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