16 individuals but 1 squad



Friday 8 April 2016

please don't pop yet

Hello Artemisians me is back

Artsfest went great yesterday woot, performed for MCS Drama yesterday ! Though we didn't get to watch the other CCAs, I bet they were great :)

Because of Artsfest, alyssa, nik and I missed parade :( After knowing it was the last proper parade with Astraia ma'ams , i felt really sad. Tbh I really really don't want them to POP it's just like yesterday Zephyr ma'ams POPed dayumm that was really fast. Going to miss Astraia ma'ams for sure. But also looking forward for Hestia ma'ams taking over !

Astraia ma'ams did their best for the NP Unit, for us. Honestly, without their help, i think we wouldn't be better. I'm sure because of them, we improved :'D

Also, I heard ya'll had a changing timing of 5minutes and 7 seconds? that's great !! Really proud of Artemis, proof we can do better guys - thumbs up emoji -

- Astraia ma'ams, if you read this, just know Artemis appreciates you alot and we will miss you -

- sukainah

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