16 individuals but 1 squad



Friday 1 April 2016

cca ytd

post count - 99

yes what a way to start of a post. yep we had parade ytd but I was too tired to post so

we had squad lunch ytd be4 cca, but oni 9 ppl turned up how sad. we standardized our stuff yep hopefully no more alterations to it itz driving me crazy learning a new one whenever it keeps getting changed.

there was this time where me, char, ginger n sadhvi were the oni ones left @ timberdeck (I think, wasn't paying too much attention to my surroundings) bc the rest left to get food or smth. ginger was helping to tie sadhvi's braids. n char was like oh hv u seen the malec kiss scene in the most recent episode, which got us up into a frenzy. poor sadhvi, she probably didn't know what the 3 of us were squealing madly about. I watched it be4 aldr, but only snippets. n when char showed it me n ginger were literally crowding around the table, bent over. we practically screamed when it happened omg. ginger was practically so excited she forgot about the hair-tying business n bent over to watch such tat she was still holding sadhvi's hair hahaha. ppl mustve been wondering wats gg on bc we were all crowded around n screaming hahaha but who cares malec is bae. I guess this is what happens when u put tmi fans tgt oh well, esp the malec shippers. MALEC MALEC MALEC PERFECT . coherency has totally left me oops.

we left to change n prepare ourselves later, but I didn't even manage to finish episode 1 haizz last 10 min lehh.

yep 4 parade we had drills n campcraft

we learnt a new drill!! its hentak kaki I think, but if it rly is, pardon me bc idk how to spell it correctly on well. I actually find the drill pretty fun and interesting, even tho its vvv tiring. we oso learnt berhenti. the timing is pretty similar to marching(?), or am I wrong.

we split into 3 grps later on to practice. n in my grp, well, I was the timer, n I did the job so poorly im cringing. I keep forgetting to time, n bc of me, well, we had to redo many times, or I did not time well enough so we were pretty uncoordinated, im so sorry. I didn't have any idea how tiring it was to be a timer, till got to try it out. now I feel pretty thankful for bk n well made me feel much more appreciative. I oso understood how essential timers are, then.

yep after tat was campcraft. before tat ofc changing, which we suck at horribly. we had a target of 5 min or 5min-smth, but we ended up w 6 min 18 s, which is so far overshot. I guess our main problem is w folding. we can change within a decent time, but ugh, folding the clothes is our weakness, esp the blouse. idk what but maybe we can try folding at home?

we pitched a tent yep, but only the inner sheet. target was 22 min. exceeded again. but at least we tried. I dunno, I feel so bad for getting injured so early it makes me feel so pathetic. I wish I could've helped. we need to practice our knots more often, for it seems tat some of us r still unsure of certain steps. oh yes n our arm power too, I guess.

we brought back the campcraft back to the store, afterwards debrief. cca over.

aft we had changed be4 gg home, ginger said the new drill wrongly. she was like "hentak kaki lepak---" . nice alteration gw! I cldnt help but burst out laughing. sometimes she can so funny.

sry tat im being so curt abt all this. ok bye I hope this was enough

I think the name of kanchiong spider is not nice, not cool, lame, whatever. maybe sangster gangster? plz bear w me hahahaha. idk itz a fandom name anyway n tbs all da way. yey ok im changing it!

ohohoh n if im not wrong from now on we r gonna be practicing drills every morning be4 assembly yep. unless I got the info wrong.

oh n does anyone read The Selection...?

lub u guys @artemis !! v random but oh

kanchiong spider

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