16 individuals but 1 squad



Saturday 2 April 2016

back @ it again w the pointles posts

hi guys yin2 here againnn

hv yall been good kids n practicing ur drills *asks in a creepy voice*

I was jus practicing hentak n my mum came barging into my room asking why I was making so much noise, I will be a disturbance t0 the ill uncle downstairs blablabla, like legit?? I was trying my best not to make noise, like only tapping sounds when my foot came down?? or maybe she had hearing like a bat's idk but I swear I was no elephant.

so im officially barred from practicing tat drill in da hse again oh well.

I had been polishing my boots this morn, n my mum praised me for being such a good girl, since she tot I was polishing my dad's shoes hahahahaha. only when my sis pointed out tat it wasn't my dad's but my boots tat I was polishing did she realise it was pretty amusing.

my whole life revolves around np, n im glad to be kept occupied. adds spice to my monotonous life

I saw this funny joke and so I wanted to share it. im v generous rite.

Person A: Is there a hole in your shoe?
Person B: No.
Person A: Then how did your foot get in?

omygawdd sometimes jokes can be so dumb they r funny.

I doubt anyone ever reads the blog nowadays oops.

so sad its final ever (usual/proper/watevr) parade w sec 4 maams this Friday. we r gonna miss em so badly. tat day has to come someday, n we all noe tat v well, haiz

I wanted to post a dedi 4 this, the 100th post, but delaying it to 101 sorry kids. but u will not regret it, it will be good. luv every single one of u squids!! @artemisss


sangster gangster XD

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