16 individuals but 1 squad



Tuesday 5 April 2016

pop why // last official parade :(

i was bored while doing cheena corrections ( im falling asleep halp ) but bcl today quite fun riteeee but quite tiring also WHO MANAGED TO CLIMB THE ROPE IN THE S.O.C i couldn't OOPS ( cough not enough APT cough ) plus, i can never jump high enough for my feet to be supported by that fat knot ( why being short is bad ) tbh in my opinion i think the wall is the easiest HAHAHAAH OH AND SHOOTINGGGG alyssa was like 10/15 what what bk and jap didn't do as well as alyssa but ITS OKAY THE RIFLE IS HEAVY ITS NOT YOUR FAULT ( i forgot my score and idk the rest of your scores heh ) okay back to topic

Ma'ams popping soon omytian what what Ma'ams Adishni said that next week would be the last official parade with NCOs noooooo whyyyy i would miss NCOs :( parade will still be on friday though so the CS people will be MIA D: but this friday last official parade so MUST MUST MUST perform 100% and more okayssss we need to make NCOs proud !! ( at least for once )


i think y'all know who am i :)

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