16 individuals but 1 squad



Monday 30 May 2016

open hse??

hey yay its holiday again I'm pretty sure yall r happy like who wont be happy rite. ik this post is random but why not

so open hse was pretty fun and quite an eye opener tho we were pretty scared and sucked at promoting np. watching maams handle visitors(or whatever u call em) so well jus made me feel so bad and envious cuz I cant help but stutter. like maams r jus so good at it and does it casually while we r jus there trying our best but still quite inept at it. we were quite rigid and bad at the start, till we got to wathc how maam did it and after much prodding did we start doing it well. I guess we slowly got better and were well, approaching ppl less awkwardly?? aman did most of the talking while I did most of the approaching. at some point in time I was muttering to her how I wish I was a magnet and ppl were iron fillings, but she pointed out that wld be forceful attraction. in the end well I was still able to convince most of them to come over and take a look, so aman said I was sort of like a magnet, tho inside I was cringing as my cheerful exuberance was a quality I never rly exhibited anyway. I prefer to remain a grouchy bear no one comes near, thank you very muchy. idk, I felt like a broken recorder cuz we were mostly jus repeating the same things to ppl. anyway we were still kinda lacking till one of the sec 4 maams approached us and asked questions like what is np n stuff, n she helped to improve our responses, so even tho she scared the crap outta me it did help a lot. and funny, as from what I observed, it was more of the parents who were enthusiastic about np, not the kids, tho there r always exceptions. there were some parents who were like super keen but the kids were like meh. anyway, me n aman encountered this adult who turned out to be the hod of some sch, n he asked how to promote interest in UGs among pri sch students. both of us were quite stunned, n we did not know what to say. in the end I used myself as an example, for I was in ug since I was in pri sch anyway, and added a couple of other things I cant quite rmb. honestly we weren't prepared for this q. n after 10 plus idk when the road marshalling ppl joined us. and jap was srsly so good at this. she was able to captivate and was so damn persuasive, like  a vampire -- it is a power they have,The encanto. The fascination. The power of persuasion, you would call it, making them capable convince mundane humans of almost anything, if learnt how to use the ability properly. makes me wonder if she is one haha jk. me n gw were laughing about her antics afterwards. she wld make a good salesgirl. n gw was telling me how jap wld be like I hope she joins np next yr so that I can kill her to those ppl who rejected. like woah. I swear I'm scared of her now HAHA. n then we were competing w each other sort of, n ginger was joking "eheh yall rmb yall from the same company ah" and I was pretty amused cuz it was kinda tru cuz the way we were doing thing made it seem as if we were trying to advertise products or our company or the like. do u see the metaphor now? company=cca if u still dun geddit HAHA. ltr on someone from our squad was telling us how 2 of us had been introducing np to a mother n daughter, n the mum told em she used to be from cedar np n the 2 of them were like awk n wondering if they had to call her maam. den the lady jus said no need HAHA. wow.

we had a break ltr on. n I was jus talkin to me fren from rcy w aman. cant rmb if ginger was there as well. she was talking abt how she was doing first aid n evac last fri n we were abt to change HAHA. she was like yall so scary and I was like laughing silently. she said she wld nvr be able to change on time cuz she has to pin loads of badges. idk if she said it there and then or after the break, cant rmb. n ginger or aman was like we pin be4hand, so we fold our blose w our badges on, if we pin during changing cfm past 10 min one lah. honestly I'm amused do ppl rly think we pin our badges on during changing? idk we hv only one badge anyway.

when we were walking home ginger was like how ironic now we r so nice and sweet, n if any of em join np next yr n recognise us from this open hse, they wld be shocked or the like. kinda tru??

so ya anyway ginger has surgery today n bcos of it she cannot join us for one yr sadzzz. she is like legit change so fast shes like my example I follow whenever we change. like shes the target I set for myself when we change. we r probably gonna miss her tons. I was thinking back to one of the days where she told me she was worried that she was worried that she might have to transfer out cuz the absence wld be so long n dear god plz no I hope its a nightmare that will never come true. n den aft most recent parade she was like can I jus come n sit n observe yall isn't tat coming for cca too? if that happens she can enjoy the entertaining scene before her I suppose, tho its not a bad idea? dk if possible but ya

n how can ppl not know the river Thames runs through London?? idk, I only knew bc I read TID lol. the series is my fav. I think ive read all 3 books more than 40 times each I guess that makes me a lunatic??

here r 2 pics among the so many we took after open hse :)))))))

look at jap HAHA




AND LOOK AT THIS HAHA creds to rightful

kk byee I'm gg to read clockwork prince again till I have to part with thee HAHA
mine beautiful eyes are weary from typing
HAHAHA haaaaaappy holidays!! jus posting cuz this blog is so dead + I'm bored yay
HERE IS A JOKE CREDITS @nephilimupdates (ig)!!
Q: What happens when people die?
A: They become a vamp-pyre
[or can I be waybread(this was a funny name magnus mistook wayland to be for) or heronduck (cuz herondales n their hatred for ducks HAHA]

Wednesday 25 May 2016


So yesterday was CSI, and I'm pretty sure ( by pretty i mean me because hot dAmn ) the kids loved me.
transparent reaction reactions animatedtext no
lol jk i only played with the baby
anyways idk what to do so here is a gif yEHsteal yo girl running


also click here for  a surprise ;-)


Friday 20 May 2016

so here goes another week

look at the title n I'm pretty sure u noe my idea of a complete week is not complete w/o a parade. tdy's parade was relatively ok, but bc maams were nice not bc we were v good. so but im a shitload of positivity. ''you gotta be more positive''  ~char

we kinda waited almost 2 hrs at flec but I was secretly hoping it would take longer so tat I cld pon csi. but no dice. somehow the date was shifted so we left @ 1.55 to 2 sadzzz. n so ya me n aman were like talking cuz I was basically telling her abt the briefing on tues

so yea tdy I wasn't able to come sl cuz csi/ipw n I hate it as much a im sure everyone else hates it. pretty sure tat no one will go omg I love csi so much. everytime I c the word csi im like cringing even tho sometimes it actually meant the real csi. what kind of life is dis man. I pretty muc like sl actually cuz its jus like talking nonsense. somehow their presence helps calm me down.

ya so paradeeee. we fell in on time :P not quite an achievement but still. and honestly this was first parade w sec3 maams, so we did not know what to expect. but hope is the only thing stronger than fear? I guess u shld noe whr tat came from, tho its not in its exact words

we had drills first n frankly, our drills were super lousy. like yea the kind that was rotting poor anyway. tho it was poor, it had its moments. rare but existed. bangings were super sloppy, timing was wrong sometimes, ppl anticipated commands, were not alert, lagged, did the wrong drills/confused, tat kinda thing. ok in summary, it jus sucked. big time. we learnt a new drill tho. it was kebelakang(??) on hentak. it was pretty confused and we did the drill a lot of time when we were not supposed to, bc we were still new to it n not rly attentive to the timing. but I guess we started improving, tho we were getting tired. but at least we started getting more coordinated, tho it was pretty inconsistent. finally maam thought of a way to make us do our drills properly, which was doing 6 consecutive good drills to cut 100 punishment points. and that rly got us to do it much btr haha. it was rly ingenius. n me n ginger were joking in the car how the only thing that could get our attention was ''cut punishments'', cuz we were quite eager to cut it n it appealed a lot to us. it seemed it was able to get our attention most and hit us in home spot. tho our drills didn't exactly become that omg-super-good kinda thing but I guess there were slight improvements

for some reason that makes us sound like a demon what-is-its-name, which are attracted to sparkly things or smth liddat #shfandomoverload .

ya so we had tent pitching after drills = changing. target 4 min 55, actual timing 5 min 41 like wtshuck. I think the main problem is folding, esp the blouse cuz I c like most ppl fumbling w the blouse? we got 9 skirts + a belt loop (how do u get it to fall off man) + a belt(not sure abt dis) . but hey we improved in a sense tat we didn't get any blouses confiscated this time round, despite getting so many stuff getting confiscated. all this is srsly giving me depression

I figured out the confiscated items added loads of punishment points to our existing ones. that is our problem. even if we manage to cut punishment point, the amount we gain is unparallelable to what is reduced and in the end just keeps increasing. im jus starting to despair srry.

yea so got to pitch a tent, target of 28 min for full tent and maam was doubting that we had nvr done a full tent be4. the truth is, we nvr had. well, one grp came close to doing it so it was counted as attempted. but in the end we didn't exactly pitch a tent, it became more of an instructional lesson of a sort. and it was pretty helpful, cuz we finally understood why we were never able to do a proper inner sheet bc of many problems like flaps touching floor n stuff. well, we had lacked the courage to ask be 4 so..i actually learnt how to do a proper butterfly knot(???)idk I think that is the name of the knot used at the end of a guyline. I mean, we are not super pros now or are able to easily/confidential pitch a proper tent now, but it is better, I think. our grp name is contented btw HAHA creds to nik the pun omg. our cheer was like looking better in the tent than outside the tent, n char n me were like eye contact much cuz she obvs knew where that came from-"looking better in black than the widows of our enemies since 1234", shadowhunters .

so ya debrief n day was over. I didn't mean for this post to turn out this crappy but im missing sleep zzzzz gg to hibernate cuz no sch on mon yaaaaa. otw home on the car the radio was playing but the only things I heard was "holiday'' and ''happy''. I was too obsessed in my own thoughts about tdy lol

DADdario (or shld I change to chameliorn cuz MELIORN woo soz)

Monday 16 May 2016



I wanted to blog last Friday but forgot all about it until today. Last Friday's Games Parade was bomb, definitely one of the best parades^.^ Ma'ams definitely made it more fun though. I didn't know what to say when Eos replied "Thank you, Ma'am" to me, IM SORRY IT WAS SO AWKWARD. We got to play that RM game, and I couldn't find any card?? And all of us got wet in the end haha, tiring as heck that day but definitely 100% always worth my time:))

I hope all of you did well for exams, if you didn't it's okay just try harder!! Don't be too sad about it. THERE'S STILL TERM 3 FRIENDS, JIAYOUU! 10 more days till I become a sloth. Fasting month during June though, so I can't really do much. Not mentally and physically ready for school and homework during the June 'holidays'. 

Also have any of you watched BTS new mv PLEASE GO WATCH, MA'AMS, EOS OR ARTEMISIANS!! Save me is so good omygosh it got released yesterday around 9pm? SO UNEXPECTED BECAUSE FIRE CAME AT AROUND 11PM SG. Got a feeling its only a dance version because they havent answered "BOY MEETS _" Min Yoongi (suga) shoes blended with the grass HAHAH DED. Young forever also very nice, actually all also super nice. They dance so well nvuirnvrilwffn (<- heart attack) Walking in the rain by blockb and Fly Got7 also quite nice.

+ HAppy Birthday to Kavithaa!! -hart-

ssak da bulTAEwora bow wow wow

- sukainAhh

Friday 13 May 2016


sup I'm back from shopping like finally home haha omg my legs hurt like nothing else. dk if u wld believe me but it was 4 ipw not lepak ok so u noe my story now haha last minute mall hopping after cca wow much. not v happy cuz it was for my grp members who r total jerks.

yey so tdy started extra early. woke up at like 4.30 ?? but tatz bc I take vv long to do things early in the morn. I think my brain wasn't actually working cuz I was in a daze most of the way oh. how nice tat I miss the lrt n bus ugh so I was a lil late?? I ran for the bus but it departed in my face like hello omg. I ended up crossing the road when it was still red light haha oops but it was worth the risk cuz every sec counted haha

our drills were btr den ytd phew thank goodness. it was pretty intimidating cuz it was my first time in front of sch, even if I wasn't alone? I was actually pretty excited?? everyone else was too haha. we spent quite a lot time deciding where to piak in the drills badge, bc it looked so weird everywhere. what, our blouse is completely naked save our name tag mah. ok so it was quite brief but besurai (?) was pretty difficult cuz we had been tilting our heads the wrong direction the whole time, so making the change in a short while may have been quite an uphill task.

it meant we attended lessons slightly later which  was grateful for hahaha. when I came the class was jus staring so awk how haha. my rcy fren was like we luckier get wear full u on rcy day n I was like '...' . even if we were allowed to I'm pretty sure I wont want to cuz it is rather stuffy n suffocating no offense

N we wanted to jog as a squad for the first time sI we all agreed to wear pt kit. Cher agree or not ltr go argue haha. But just after we changed N were making our way there, people from the first floor started running back to the classroom back screaming. It sounded as if though a bomb exploded. Turns out jogging was cancelled due to lightning alert like wtshuck. We were lamenting how we changed for nothing. But it's btr den hving to jog ahaha

*time travel to aft sch*
ye squad lunch tdy n we occupied 2 tables. 1 table was nicknamed math club bc all of us were doing math n the other the stress club cuz they were playing stress. at some point in time maam/mrs chew came over to look at me n ginger doing our math which scared the crap outta me haha. shes quite nie but quite scary too. idk probably she always calls my name in class, but probably bc I'm not attentive

I suspect tdy's parade might be the most ''worry free'' parade. dk, we were always anxious be4 cca cuz we didn't know what we were gg to face tat day. I will probably get a heart attack sometime soon from frequent rapid heart palpitations haha. we were quite eager, esp when we saw the buckets for some reason haha. idk I jus like water.

*fast forward*
so it started n the games were so fun I rlyrlyrly liked it sosososo much I mean it!! I like the ball game most. it was quite challenging n damn the other team damn good but not tat our team not good lah haha our passes not v bad ya. self praise much. the only embarrassing thing was I kept calling one of the sec 1 'maam' for some weird reason. idk, I'm still not used to the fact tat we r no longer the youngest in the unit now. I jus hv the habit of calling everyone else not from our squad maam. guess still used to the old ways quite hard to change. inflexible mind much. no wonder I cldnt get her attention to pass the ball to me despite repeating haha it was so embarrassing cuz I realised my mistake the same time as everyone else oopsie. n the game @ courtyard was jus omg esp those that was balancing things on ur forehead, n one of the maams commented at least its not the mouth so I cldnt help but laugh. everyone else too lol. maam totally had a point there HAHAits so damn awk n our grp the height diff is jus wow

we ltr had this game which from what I understand was like running man?? damn pressuring sia. the sec 4 maams put on the bells which for some reason reminds me of the bells I tie around mischievous cats to alert myself of their presence. n we were told not to strip them of their name tags cuz not funny. I cldnt hear so Amanda explained n she said 'the sec 4 maams will be stripping' ok ahahaha I tried not to laugh but no dice. n jap was jus like I am dirty minded n Amanda was like it was a mistake. itz not my fault bc I was under jap influence (if u dun noe she is the dirty old grandma). she forgot to add 'our name tags' I think lol. the game was so fun but the feeling of being hunted was so real it jus felt like no place was safe n idk I jus felt like a deer watching out for any maams. thank my hearing isn't bad for my sight is so bad by the time I c em it wld be too late??

after the game we did 15 pumpings. n then arm wrestling w CIs ahhhhh they r so damn strong omg its so intimidating. n the way they have the upper hand jus makes u feel totally helpless, cuz like idk for me my wrist was bent at quite an odd angle n it was too painful for me to stay on. I'm not saying they r biased, I mean they r quite clever in their strategies too. bk damn good at this I must admit. she is quite strong ya. I was like standing at the back in utter horror watching each defeat thinking if even the maams or my squaddies cant do it how can I. ive nvr tried arm wrestling be4 honestly haha. so 4 each of those who nvr did the wrestle, + 5 pumpings.

 so ya now we have 70+ pumpings to do I'm cringing. like our punishment points sounded utterly ill-proportional n super ridiculous compared to other squads, but I guess losing faith is not a good thing how. n we had this activity in the end to decide which squad wldnt hv to do the pumpings (sec 4 maams decided), n yep ofc we lost but its ok

Going to cca is like taking drugs. It takes me out of my problems for those moments in cca, then after cca, it all comes crashing back to me. But I'm gratefully for the distraction, either bc I'm too happy or busy struggling to survive heh. But np makes a rly good drug ye. I rly like np ya

soz all my posts in my pov cuz easier to write that way
kk its 10.30 now I need to sleep so tired n drained omg. n  my throat is so sore from all the shouting n screaming ow ( cedar OW lol)

DADdario/daddy oreo, but actually (matthew) daddario
[not that I like oreos anyway too sweet yuks]

Monday 9 May 2016

CTs over yaaaaaaa

im jus like here cus taking a break frm reading CoA my eyes

wuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Cts r over yasss cant express my profound happiness. I'm jus like exam anyhow tiam(is tat how u spell it heh) cnt believe its so fast how time flies. still remember that moment couple of weeks back when we got news tat cca is stopped till may 11 or smth n we were like 20 smth days till cca! lookin back it seems so long ago tat it happened? ayy yey finally squad recess/lunch gonna be back in session, starting this wed got loads to catch up w some of em ya esp char omg. cant wait 4 Friday cuz got extra long sl be4 cca omggg its like damn fun cuz we jus lax haha. ok maybe not as much as I romanticise it to be haha I'm high tdy soz

gw n I were jus like we hv no homework tdy so we jus gonna polish boots the entire day cuz it seems like the most interesting activity at the moment(other den reading heh). not tat our boots get any shinier anyway I guess we jus keep trying but damn my fingers haha they hurt when I polish boots
this is totally me haha oops n I know u agree tat it is the same 4 u too no denying :)))
procrastinating. the evil we love.
kk gg back 2 reading now have fun enjoying ur time till ur papers come back to ur face HAHA
I wish sh wikia will stop hanging on it so annoying ugh
n the weather is so hot ur ice cream melts be4 u even eat it like why. I like to savour it slow n now I'm like forced to eat it too frantically or drink ice cream juice?? what even haha
DADdario :)))))

Saturday 7 May 2016

mothers day most relatable to char lol

lmao I was jus reading the last post n bk omg the number of caps hahaha. so yea tdy is mother's day n apparently everyone starting wishing char happy mothers day cuz she is like the squad mummy hahaha. naggy yet caring haha. the nagging is the most relatable haha jk. shes like the mum cuz she can solve arguments + many stuff atypical of mums lol how do I explain this.

I'm thinking of renaming from sangster gangster to daddy oreo bc (matthew) daddario. daddy oreo n daddario...do u get the link/pun ? ok nvm if u dun

what do u call a sad cup of coffee? depresso lol
coffee is nice

DADdario yey

miss me?


heh so I'm currently procrastinating Chinese homework and just going to think about life and NP. and definitely not exams. Anyway it's just one more day just one more paper and we ARE FREEEEEE from stress till next term and yAS ITS MAY AND JUNE'S GONNA COME SOON YAS. But since June hasn't arrived and CTs haven't ended, Imma just gonna memorise GEOG PEELs and polish my boots like I have no life liddat though i love polishing boots but i am unable to feel the same for geog #sorrynotsorry

okay anyway, cca is going to start soon so gear up guys. hEHE we need to improve and show ma'ams we can do it okay !!!! ARTEMIS THE GODDESS (totally not self-praise), CAN WE DO THIS? ARTEMIS THE GODDESS (again, totally not self-praise), CAN WE DO THIS? ARTEMIS THE GODDESS (again, not self-praise), YASSS WE CAN!

okay now stop reading this and cHOP CHOP GO STUDY, how ironic ahAHA okay im done JIAYOU GUYSSS WE GONNA PASS THE TESTS WITH COLOURS FLYING IN A ROCKET TO THE MOON (excuse my english, idk how to phrase it lol)


check this out!!!!!1!!!1!!1!!!

- BEEEEEEahhahaahahaha

Friday 6 May 2016

aft sch squad pics what even

ok jap wanted to take squad pics bc char bday ytd n we forgot sry char! like she tell @ 7.25 am abt there wtshuck hahahahaha. so we did yes

but oni abt 9 ppl turn up bc so last min n some ppl dk n some cmi. wen we arrived we were jus standing arnd 4 awhile before someone banged the table and asked if we could quickly take a few fotos.

we took a few fotos so here is 1:

The poses damn weird in my opinion esp jap she looks like she is proposing to char + I think char can get a good job as a model in future. we had to stay in tat pose 4 quite a while bc some ppl still not ready n we were complaining tat it felt like we were doing lunges HAHA

jiayous last ct on mon!! ee geog ee
cca starts again next week n I hv mixed feelings towards it. I'm eager yet dreading it bc parades have always been nerve-wracking for most of us
so idk whether to be happy or sad haha
herez a joke bc why not:
I know itz cheesy but I feel grate.
no I do not feel great now lol
a one liner joke how nice ha.
tryna revive the blog which is long ded
n why r sneakers called sneakers wen they do not sneak
I hope this post made ur day more interesting :)
tho I think no one is gonna see this bc yall all mugging n what one random post all of a sudden haha who expected this
DADdario :)      (ps DADdario is the same person as kanchiong spider)
 [loads of smiling emojis tdy haha]