16 individuals but 1 squad



Monday 30 May 2016

open hse??

hey yay its holiday again I'm pretty sure yall r happy like who wont be happy rite. ik this post is random but why not

so open hse was pretty fun and quite an eye opener tho we were pretty scared and sucked at promoting np. watching maams handle visitors(or whatever u call em) so well jus made me feel so bad and envious cuz I cant help but stutter. like maams r jus so good at it and does it casually while we r jus there trying our best but still quite inept at it. we were quite rigid and bad at the start, till we got to wathc how maam did it and after much prodding did we start doing it well. I guess we slowly got better and were well, approaching ppl less awkwardly?? aman did most of the talking while I did most of the approaching. at some point in time I was muttering to her how I wish I was a magnet and ppl were iron fillings, but she pointed out that wld be forceful attraction. in the end well I was still able to convince most of them to come over and take a look, so aman said I was sort of like a magnet, tho inside I was cringing as my cheerful exuberance was a quality I never rly exhibited anyway. I prefer to remain a grouchy bear no one comes near, thank you very muchy. idk, I felt like a broken recorder cuz we were mostly jus repeating the same things to ppl. anyway we were still kinda lacking till one of the sec 4 maams approached us and asked questions like what is np n stuff, n she helped to improve our responses, so even tho she scared the crap outta me it did help a lot. and funny, as from what I observed, it was more of the parents who were enthusiastic about np, not the kids, tho there r always exceptions. there were some parents who were like super keen but the kids were like meh. anyway, me n aman encountered this adult who turned out to be the hod of some sch, n he asked how to promote interest in UGs among pri sch students. both of us were quite stunned, n we did not know what to say. in the end I used myself as an example, for I was in ug since I was in pri sch anyway, and added a couple of other things I cant quite rmb. honestly we weren't prepared for this q. n after 10 plus idk when the road marshalling ppl joined us. and jap was srsly so good at this. she was able to captivate and was so damn persuasive, like  a vampire -- it is a power they have,The encanto. The fascination. The power of persuasion, you would call it, making them capable convince mundane humans of almost anything, if learnt how to use the ability properly. makes me wonder if she is one haha jk. me n gw were laughing about her antics afterwards. she wld make a good salesgirl. n gw was telling me how jap wld be like I hope she joins np next yr so that I can kill her to those ppl who rejected. like woah. I swear I'm scared of her now HAHA. n then we were competing w each other sort of, n ginger was joking "eheh yall rmb yall from the same company ah" and I was pretty amused cuz it was kinda tru cuz the way we were doing thing made it seem as if we were trying to advertise products or our company or the like. do u see the metaphor now? company=cca if u still dun geddit HAHA. ltr on someone from our squad was telling us how 2 of us had been introducing np to a mother n daughter, n the mum told em she used to be from cedar np n the 2 of them were like awk n wondering if they had to call her maam. den the lady jus said no need HAHA. wow.

we had a break ltr on. n I was jus talkin to me fren from rcy w aman. cant rmb if ginger was there as well. she was talking abt how she was doing first aid n evac last fri n we were abt to change HAHA. she was like yall so scary and I was like laughing silently. she said she wld nvr be able to change on time cuz she has to pin loads of badges. idk if she said it there and then or after the break, cant rmb. n ginger or aman was like we pin be4hand, so we fold our blose w our badges on, if we pin during changing cfm past 10 min one lah. honestly I'm amused do ppl rly think we pin our badges on during changing? idk we hv only one badge anyway.

when we were walking home ginger was like how ironic now we r so nice and sweet, n if any of em join np next yr n recognise us from this open hse, they wld be shocked or the like. kinda tru??

so ya anyway ginger has surgery today n bcos of it she cannot join us for one yr sadzzz. she is like legit change so fast shes like my example I follow whenever we change. like shes the target I set for myself when we change. we r probably gonna miss her tons. I was thinking back to one of the days where she told me she was worried that she was worried that she might have to transfer out cuz the absence wld be so long n dear god plz no I hope its a nightmare that will never come true. n den aft most recent parade she was like can I jus come n sit n observe yall isn't tat coming for cca too? if that happens she can enjoy the entertaining scene before her I suppose, tho its not a bad idea? dk if possible but ya

n how can ppl not know the river Thames runs through London?? idk, I only knew bc I read TID lol. the series is my fav. I think ive read all 3 books more than 40 times each I guess that makes me a lunatic??

here r 2 pics among the so many we took after open hse :)))))))

look at jap HAHA




AND LOOK AT THIS HAHA creds to rightful

kk byee I'm gg to read clockwork prince again till I have to part with thee HAHA
mine beautiful eyes are weary from typing
HAHAHA haaaaaappy holidays!! jus posting cuz this blog is so dead + I'm bored yay
HERE IS A JOKE CREDITS @nephilimupdates (ig)!!
Q: What happens when people die?
A: They become a vamp-pyre
[or can I be waybread(this was a funny name magnus mistook wayland to be for) or heronduck (cuz herondales n their hatred for ducks HAHA]

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