16 individuals but 1 squad



Monday 9 May 2016

CTs over yaaaaaaa

im jus like here cus taking a break frm reading CoA my eyes

wuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Cts r over yasss cant express my profound happiness. I'm jus like exam anyhow tiam(is tat how u spell it heh) cnt believe its so fast how time flies. still remember that moment couple of weeks back when we got news tat cca is stopped till may 11 or smth n we were like 20 smth days till cca! lookin back it seems so long ago tat it happened? ayy yey finally squad recess/lunch gonna be back in session, starting this wed got loads to catch up w some of em ya esp char omg. cant wait 4 Friday cuz got extra long sl be4 cca omggg its like damn fun cuz we jus lax haha. ok maybe not as much as I romanticise it to be haha I'm high tdy soz

gw n I were jus like we hv no homework tdy so we jus gonna polish boots the entire day cuz it seems like the most interesting activity at the moment(other den reading heh). not tat our boots get any shinier anyway I guess we jus keep trying but damn my fingers haha they hurt when I polish boots
this is totally me haha oops n I know u agree tat it is the same 4 u too no denying :)))
procrastinating. the evil we love.
kk gg back 2 reading now have fun enjoying ur time till ur papers come back to ur face HAHA
I wish sh wikia will stop hanging on it so annoying ugh
n the weather is so hot ur ice cream melts be4 u even eat it like why. I like to savour it slow n now I'm like forced to eat it too frantically or drink ice cream juice?? what even haha
DADdario :)))))

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