16 individuals but 1 squad



Friday 20 May 2016

so here goes another week

look at the title n I'm pretty sure u noe my idea of a complete week is not complete w/o a parade. tdy's parade was relatively ok, but bc maams were nice not bc we were v good. so but im a shitload of positivity. ''you gotta be more positive''  ~char

we kinda waited almost 2 hrs at flec but I was secretly hoping it would take longer so tat I cld pon csi. but no dice. somehow the date was shifted so we left @ 1.55 to 2 sadzzz. n so ya me n aman were like talking cuz I was basically telling her abt the briefing on tues

so yea tdy I wasn't able to come sl cuz csi/ipw n I hate it as much a im sure everyone else hates it. pretty sure tat no one will go omg I love csi so much. everytime I c the word csi im like cringing even tho sometimes it actually meant the real csi. what kind of life is dis man. I pretty muc like sl actually cuz its jus like talking nonsense. somehow their presence helps calm me down.

ya so paradeeee. we fell in on time :P not quite an achievement but still. and honestly this was first parade w sec3 maams, so we did not know what to expect. but hope is the only thing stronger than fear? I guess u shld noe whr tat came from, tho its not in its exact words

we had drills first n frankly, our drills were super lousy. like yea the kind that was rotting poor anyway. tho it was poor, it had its moments. rare but existed. bangings were super sloppy, timing was wrong sometimes, ppl anticipated commands, were not alert, lagged, did the wrong drills/confused, tat kinda thing. ok in summary, it jus sucked. big time. we learnt a new drill tho. it was kebelakang(??) on hentak. it was pretty confused and we did the drill a lot of time when we were not supposed to, bc we were still new to it n not rly attentive to the timing. but I guess we started improving, tho we were getting tired. but at least we started getting more coordinated, tho it was pretty inconsistent. finally maam thought of a way to make us do our drills properly, which was doing 6 consecutive good drills to cut 100 punishment points. and that rly got us to do it much btr haha. it was rly ingenius. n me n ginger were joking in the car how the only thing that could get our attention was ''cut punishments'', cuz we were quite eager to cut it n it appealed a lot to us. it seemed it was able to get our attention most and hit us in home spot. tho our drills didn't exactly become that omg-super-good kinda thing but I guess there were slight improvements

for some reason that makes us sound like a demon what-is-its-name, which are attracted to sparkly things or smth liddat #shfandomoverload .

ya so we had tent pitching after drills = changing. target 4 min 55, actual timing 5 min 41 like wtshuck. I think the main problem is folding, esp the blouse cuz I c like most ppl fumbling w the blouse? we got 9 skirts + a belt loop (how do u get it to fall off man) + a belt(not sure abt dis) . but hey we improved in a sense tat we didn't get any blouses confiscated this time round, despite getting so many stuff getting confiscated. all this is srsly giving me depression

I figured out the confiscated items added loads of punishment points to our existing ones. that is our problem. even if we manage to cut punishment point, the amount we gain is unparallelable to what is reduced and in the end just keeps increasing. im jus starting to despair srry.

yea so got to pitch a tent, target of 28 min for full tent and maam was doubting that we had nvr done a full tent be4. the truth is, we nvr had. well, one grp came close to doing it so it was counted as attempted. but in the end we didn't exactly pitch a tent, it became more of an instructional lesson of a sort. and it was pretty helpful, cuz we finally understood why we were never able to do a proper inner sheet bc of many problems like flaps touching floor n stuff. well, we had lacked the courage to ask be 4 so..i actually learnt how to do a proper butterfly knot(???)idk I think that is the name of the knot used at the end of a guyline. I mean, we are not super pros now or are able to easily/confidential pitch a proper tent now, but it is better, I think. our grp name is contented btw HAHA creds to nik the pun omg. our cheer was like looking better in the tent than outside the tent, n char n me were like eye contact much cuz she obvs knew where that came from-"looking better in black than the widows of our enemies since 1234", shadowhunters .

so ya debrief n day was over. I didn't mean for this post to turn out this crappy but im missing sleep zzzzz gg to hibernate cuz no sch on mon yaaaaa. otw home on the car the radio was playing but the only things I heard was "holiday'' and ''happy''. I was too obsessed in my own thoughts about tdy lol

DADdario (or shld I change to chameliorn cuz MELIORN woo soz)

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