16 individuals but 1 squad



Friday 6 May 2016

aft sch squad pics what even

ok jap wanted to take squad pics bc char bday ytd n we forgot sry char! like she tell @ 7.25 am abt there wtshuck hahahahaha. so we did yes

but oni abt 9 ppl turn up bc so last min n some ppl dk n some cmi. wen we arrived we were jus standing arnd 4 awhile before someone banged the table and asked if we could quickly take a few fotos.

we took a few fotos so here is 1:

The poses damn weird in my opinion esp jap she looks like she is proposing to char + I think char can get a good job as a model in future. we had to stay in tat pose 4 quite a while bc some ppl still not ready n we were complaining tat it felt like we were doing lunges HAHA

jiayous last ct on mon!! ee geog ee
cca starts again next week n I hv mixed feelings towards it. I'm eager yet dreading it bc parades have always been nerve-wracking for most of us
so idk whether to be happy or sad haha
herez a joke bc why not:
I know itz cheesy but I feel grate.
no I do not feel great now lol
a one liner joke how nice ha.
tryna revive the blog which is long ded
n why r sneakers called sneakers wen they do not sneak
I hope this post made ur day more interesting :)
tho I think no one is gonna see this bc yall all mugging n what one random post all of a sudden haha who expected this
DADdario :)      (ps DADdario is the same person as kanchiong spider)
 [loads of smiling emojis tdy haha]

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