16 individuals but 1 squad



Friday 2 September 2016

a trip down the memory laneeee ~~~~~~

hello fellow artemisians guess who here to go down the artemis memory lane for term 3 :") 

i think yall can tell who am i by now HAHAHAH 

term 3 flew by us so fast it felt so short !! we had NDC, ATC, and our very last parade for the term a few days ago all these feels so unreal 

NDC was awesome i guess you can say we did better than expected as GOH ALL OUR TRAININGS PAID OFF GOOD JOB ARTEMIS !! 
new-girl  fox good job foxtv nailed it
but its our first and last time being GOH sighs :( 

after NDC, it was just a few days before we went for ATC, a week later actually. we were all very nervous and scared and packing and our group chat was full of us asking about how to pack this what to pack and how to label etc we were all pretty nervous and scared that we forgot to bring something or do something wrongly, because we all know that would be very embarrassing and might bring down the reputation of Cedar NP D: the journey there was VERY nerve wrecking AHAHAH we were scared for what lay ahead of us for ATC. when we reached the jetty and boarded the boat, those who werent really afraid before, im pretty sure all of us were very scared at that time. its like when reality hits you BAM and you're like "ohno atc is coming in a while" and you start going "ohno ohno what if something bad happens" on the boat ride to Pulau Ubin all of us were internally freaking out alot of our legs were shaking HAHAHA but ATC wasnt that bad, it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be to be honest i MIGHT be missing it, might not, who knows ? :)

we were supposed to have shooting 2 days after ATC BUT NOOOO IT GOT CANCELLED :(

and just 2 days ago, WE HAD OUR LAST PARADE OF TERM 3 !! it was not really up to standard tho :( except tent pitching GOOD JOB TO FALCON 6 FOR BEATING THE RECORD !! 

and nowww its the sept hols !! i dont know about the rest of yall but this is not hols for me hahaha because EOYS ARE COMING + ALL THE HW NOOOO :( but its okay artemis LETS STUDY HARD AND GET THE SUBJECT COMBI WE WANT !!


justin  yay cheering cheer hooray
studiosoriginals  motivation cheerleader motivational inspire

~ the hardcore cheerleader of artemis who cheered for yall during tent pitching until her voice cracked ><

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