16 individuals but 1 squad



Sunday 11 September 2016

pew wew wew

its sunday and idk how many more days to eoys but jiayou guys!! i'm not actually done with homework and haven't start revision oh poop 

so yesterday was the orange ribbon 'run' but we just walked since it was a 'fun walk'. my legs still died and i was super sleepy after that. throwback when only Amanda and i went last year and somehow started talking about brainwashing?? haha it was so awkward. WE ALSO FOUND AN ANGPAO ALONG THE WAY but we gave to the staff at the information counter:) it was quite fun but there was no milo truck this time round:( nancy couln't go bc she was sick REST WELL NUNCY the run only started at 6,30 though and we ended around 8(?) we had 20 minutes to spare so we went 711 for chocolates THEY WERE 2 FOR $2.50 OK the queue was quite long though. but the amount of cosplayers?? it was really cool i wanted to cosplay as Patrick with his pet rock. there were no more sizes so we all took L..it was really big on Beekim and Amanda we also wanted to take a photo with this really cool board but it got delayed like 57475948759 times so we gave up and took one at a random board with a really inspirational quote and one at the the steps which was legit lit

we were all dead after the walk  but i still stayed up till 11 for WINGS6 DOES ANYONE WATCHES unless nancy and i are the only ones..waiting for WINGS7 today
+ got7 was on running man today and im so disappointed they only had a screentime of like 10minutes???

                                                      also please help yourself:-)

- sukaikai

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