16 individuals but 1 squad



Wednesday 31 August 2016



First of all, i want to ask if a kangaroo can jump higher than a horse

on side note its da last parade for the term? hmm also last day of Aug
tmr can jus slack so yay?

it sucks to come to parade w no voice cos
1. you cant cheer along. somehow yelling like a banshee gives me additional strength. yep I love cheering + cca is the only time I can scream my lungs out for a good reason (yall shd cheer ok)
2. your jiayou comes out so wrong(actually barely comes out)

yea so (preg)Nancy did what I usually did for me tdy. her pitch and all that goals gimme
basically this parade we screwed many many things up badly. thinking back, was there ever a parade we didn't screw up.

hmm yay so we fell in on the dot phew. we had attire check and basically still many imperfections even though CIs reprimanded(or told off or scolded yall/u idrk I wasn't there anyway it was jus what I heard from yall) last Friday. our flaps need to be ironed down n our berets still need improvement!!! some of yall boots damn shiny sia wl teach meh pls. badges also not pinned properly(I mean like eg not aligned) haiS

when we fell in the squad was so small haiz

ya so we had changing. we aimed for 5 min but we exceeded by a lot??

felt kinda stupid for sitting out after running w nancy like ee stupid cough and stupid throat. stupid viral infection.

ya so only 6 of us got to pitch a tent. immA jus call em team 1. while the other team was waiting(lets call dis team 2), we cheered and gave comments to help the other team. i realised that its easier to spot our mistakes and wat we shd hv done at that time instead of running/giving eye power from the sidelines. on the ground we may kinda lose our bearings and its harder to see what is there to do. anyway maam came over n asked if i felt well enough to join in for the next and i said yes/i think so/smth liddat and maam was like but then your voice aka i wasn't well HAHA I tried to explain but i got a feeling i jus made things weirder and maam was probs trying hard not to laugh cos all my squaddies in team 2 were laughing at any rate i probs sounded like a chicken and other than that wheezing sounds which were meant to be words -_-

they did well for tent pitching whoop whoop!!!! set a new record ay. beats the 22 min 38 sec one we had. idrk the new record but it think its 20 min smth or 21 min smth. then we got news team 2 couldn't get to pitch :( its ok theres always another day

ya so changing again. we exceeded(again hais) and we got a ton of stuff confiscated. Now we have 4500 more punishment points okay ugh. and then one of us was in quarter u (she cldnt wear full u cos uni parts confiscated) so maam asked us what we wanted to do. i accidentally blurted out change bc i thought maam meant all of us had to be in the same attire for her to do drills? i mean like standardise. and maam asked if we wanted changing parade and omg I was pretty scared cos i didn't want to cause the squad more trouble. at any rate i shd nvr make stupid guesses like that. i guess she jus didn't get to do drills w a few other ppl who were unable to do drills.

hmm tbh our drills not v good tdy? like bangings not v coordinated and some of us are just not alert so we got semula-ed a lot which was no uncommon thing anyway. we shd be more alert so that we dun lag or do the drill wrongly.

happy cos we learnt a new drill!!!! its like saluting n the timing is like the one used for taat sedia. idrk how to spell it correctly so I'm not risking it. hmm most of us salute to more than 45 deg so ya iits kinda weird. anyway we finally found a use for the mirror. we fell in in front of the mirror and maam was like can smile isit. we practised in twos in front of the mirror, like the drill and the maams would give us comments n the person on the right times. mine went q awkwardly. ok first i m self conscious and I'm not comfortable w staring at myself i mirrors. so i ended up closing my eyes while bringing my hand up n well i kinda didn't look straight ahead and maam was like dun close your eyes and smth like look in front. at the same time i was trying not to laugh and i was like biting my lip and maam was like laugh laugh and i started laughing a bit oops. how do ppl keep a straight face??? anyways mam herself was laughing lol

so yay pretty much near the end of today cos we had a bit of debrief ya.

haha so i asked gw what she felt abt tdy cos it was like her first parade in a term. n she was like i realised there was no such thing as a perfect parade. tbh this is true. there is only the matter of how well/badly the parade went

OH YA. rmb i asked if a a kangaroo can jump higher than a horse? the ans is ofc. the horse cant even jump!



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