16 individuals but 1 squad



Friday 8 July 2016


yah so this is abt ytd's parade, which well wasn't good. I'm jus gonna be v vague cuz I'm feeling vague atm

be4 parade started jap wanted to practice knots so she asked to use my finger. I was rewatching shadowhunters promo n what I didn't notice was jap was actually peeping on it too. she de interrupted me n asked what show it was cuz it looked v interesting. I nearly screamed from shock n thank goodness I wasn't watching anything improper, tho why I would watch improper stuff is another matter entirely n no I hv nvr watched anything improper for that matter. so yay tis is how I got another person into the fandom

okay drills was better but for the rest, screw

we were late for parade. what a nice way to start

oni 9/10 ppl were here cuz heats but some joined ltr on

yea we had changing and we exceeded timing. when we were running to the toilet ppl were hving heats or ccas n we were jus running in like mad ppl n I heard some ppl were like whoawhoawhoa. we must hv looked like a crowd of stampeding elephants. ok ya I was one of the first to leave the toilet n somebody outside was saying whoa change so fast ah. in my mind I was like ahem its still not fast enough dude

I think it was the folding tat was problematic, cuz according to maams, we took 2.5 mins to fold. amazing isn't it?

so we had tent pitching. our target was 27 min but we exceeded yet again. the other team may possibly hv completed under timing but our team obvs did not. I personally confess tat I made a lot of mistakes this time round. sometimes I was jus there waitin to secure the knot instead of doing smth useful like tying the bowlines for the outer sheet or pegging the pegs for the outer sheet. stupid of me, if u ask. we also had a very common problem of needing extensions so we wasted q a lot of time there. the inner sheet took the longest like 17+ mins??

ok yea aft tat we had rifle drills so changing again. exceeded by close to a min.

rifle drills was slightly better but I wont oversay on tat. my hands were kinda slippery. some of us still transferring during rusuk I guess? n drills can be sharper(I'm thinking of sharpies now lol) if anything I think its still near ok-ok. and we learnt some new drills which were thoroughly confusing n ok it served a reminder to me how stupid I m cuz everyone was like they understood what maam was trying to teach us and me jus be like wait wait what no I don't geddit. I suppose I somewhat got it in the end, but I will but it in terms of a run. I m at the very end. do u get it? I'm still lagging behind

n maams came up w a game t help us I guess. it was pretty fun n effective I guess. so we had to close our eyes n do the new drills we learnt. but some were incorrect n we will be pulled out if we got it wrong till the last round standing. but lmao w nvr got to the last one standing cuz q a lot of us were still standing lol. q surprised tat I didn't get pulled out lol cuz I was still a bit blur.

okok the end

heres a funny pic :P tbs does look legit w the beard

legit me waiting for tdc(this is no typo) + so many other things n for nov hols to come!! 

Anyway I watched Indiana jones n the last crusade last nite n I liked it more den the previous 2 tho I liked em too. the father-son adventure was soooo interesting n hilarious n I liked the part where he shoved a Nazi who had caught his dad off the airplane-like thingy they were on under the excuse that he had no tickets( he had dressed up as one of those who checked tickets)

ok there is VIA tmr sooo need to complete hw now. obsessed with @shadowhuntersconfess 's confessions atm some r q interesting


Q:What is it called when you lend a bison money/
A:A buffa-loan LOL

jokes make me happy

hv a good day!


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