16 individuals but 1 squad



Friday 1 July 2016

ytd (no longer tdy) was 'so gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood'

okay yea so I was first here cuz I'm like waiting for the Indiana Jones to be aired at 10 so I tot i got an hour

the guy acting as indiana is kinda cute tbh but cuter w his glasses on

I'm kinda obsessed with watching Indiana jones films atm

anyway I cldnt finish in time

so my original caption was 'today was....'  not  'ytd was...'

anyways ytd was good. okay maybe this is too exaggerated

so we missed parade ytd n I had mixed feelings towards it

so anyways we kinda of had squad lunch. and alyssa was like can we go color run tgt as squad and we were like ok. so she went to find out the details.

aft we met maams aly came up with more info: tickets at $65. so we were like ee jus ditch it hehe
no srsly tats a bit too pricey. I mean, $65 can buy you a lot of stuff

we took so long to change cuz we were talkin a lot so urm..

okay so ginger joined us ytd n yay full squad and I think this is the first time ever full?? idk

okay so we took the bus to yuying for some reason? anyway we were v confused cuz wasn't it st gabs. we suspected we were in the wrong sch cuz the surroundings were so peaceful with no hint of any cadets except for one squad practising drills in the basketball court?? anyway so we stood around the table in the canteen and okay I'm q amazed I didn't get bored waiting cuz we were talking. our squad was like split into halves, the 2 halves talking abt diff stuff. well my grp of 5 at the very end were talking about books and stuff hehe it was fun

okay turns out we really were in the wrong school so we quickly got back on the bus asap when it came back but anyway we were still q late. no wonder ppl were giving us weird looks back there

kay so we got there but at least we weren't the only late ones

we oni missed a bit I think thank goodness

we cldnt help but notice other schools aldr had some badges n like a not-empty rank? we only had a badge and an empty rank so kinda paiseh? I mean, we don't blame anyone, but jus an observation.

n when we sat down the sir was like pls take out a piece of foolscap n pen n our squad looking at each other. we oni brought our bottles, valuables n pen cuz we were told to do so, but no paper, n there will be a test, so we were screwed. one of the biggest 'oh shit's ever. no the one where jem found out abt will's love for Tessa is still the biggest yet

and I was pretty sure we were gonna fail cuz we missed some parts of the lecture and we cant take down notes to study. and alyssa was jus like be positive and okay it wasn't possible

anyway awhile thru the lecture the sir sitting in front of us was so nice n he was like do you girls need paper? n we were like yes sir n he jus gave us a whole stack. n we were jus vvv thankful.

and at some point in time another sir took over the lecture. n he made us do this 'excercises' first bcos according to him, 80% or more of us weren't paying attention. so there was a game of '80% or 20%' , and a hand exercise. I swear I cannot do it its so difficult omg

I did enjoy the course tbh

but I enjoyed the skit part more. so 2 schools will be picked. every school has to split up into teams
anyway char was in my team of 5 and someone from our squad's other grp was like come join us and I was thinking how dare you. ours was v lame so thank goodness our's wasn't picked. idk if we shd be happy cuz some ppl frm our squad's other teams actually wanted to participate

this guy from st gabs was like the chooser n so pl got picked but they aldr left lol so tat guy had to repick. n he chose his own sch like lol n the sir was mimicking his shocked expression. his teams acting was not bad tbh. another sch(I think bartley??) got chosen n theirs was not bad either.

okay so it was over then. it was fun. n I'm pretty grateful to bk for sharing water w me(bk if u r reading tis it meant a lot to me so thxx)

n btw ginger has started reading lady midnight!! both char n I hv finished reading it n tbh both of us dun rly find it interesting woop

there is this internet fren of mine who ships jemma so badly tats all she talks abt all day n has no proper knowledge of tlh n twp. so she asked me who is involved in tlh n i jus stated the families cuz there r q a lot (eh so many parents n even more kids sia). at the mention of blackthorns n carstairs she asked me if emma n jules were involved. i guess i got so fed up i asked her if jules n emma looked immortal to her. cuz tlh is set in 1903 n tda is 2012??? I'm jus so done. must be bcos I'm not nice

n idk josh Hutcherson films r being aired q frequently these few days?? like last wk or last last wwk it was the film related to vampires n this wk there is another one?? Idk I'm not a fan of josh so meh

ALSO, CLICK HERE FOR FUNNY STUFF :) its worth it. They r videos on jokes ppl played on restaurants n stuff liddat I tot it was q funny so

Can dun watch I'd ya dun wan ofc. I only wanted to share smth funny, not wrestle ya into watching it

The no pork one is funnier in my opinion

anyways have a good 3-day hols!!

DADdario [or shd i change to herondull(cuz herondale notice the pun)]

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