16 individuals but 1 squad



Thursday 14 July 2016

extra trainin

oh hey its thy queen of the obvious back again

yea so mm ytd wasn't as bad as usual. don't misinterpret me, it was only slightly better

yah if u ask why I blog so much cos ltr I reflections always cannot rmb anything much so I refer back here

lel yea even now the memory is starting to fade

special mention to jap's shoes, which were practically torn. her shoe(like one side) was like torn off from its base like wyd man HAHA n she was like ive worn it for only 1.5 mths. amazing. I dun rly blame her for dragging her feet lah cuz the she was fighting to keep the shoe on HAHA. w jap u can get the funniest n weirdest epic fails :P the squad's dirty grandma

so we did rifle drills + knots n lashings ytd. we started off w rifle drills. our bangings were much more coordinated? some of us were still confused w the drills we learnt last wk so urm. some of us still confused w the basics?? like turning the wrong direction n stuff. but at least it was seldom. we still needed constant reminders to pull back rifles n drills need to be sharper. we also need to be more alert so as to not lag behind, and also not anticipate drills -_-why is it so commonly occurring. marching was tiring like the arms. n ppl kept dragging feet???

anyway 4 of us didn't lock our arms n we got caught so 400 more points yay. so excited.

anyway the court was wet and there were puddles everywhere. I always ended up standing near or on one lol. anyway when I sedia-ed once I splashed the water instead. It would have been fun if I was a lil kid who heck cares about wettin yourself n in rain boots. but since I wasn't, it wasn't fun. definitely not.

the ncc ppl were oso practising drills there so it was pretty distracting. no, I dun mean it tat way, I mean it was a strain listening our for the commands out of the din

hah okay so we had changing. target was 3 min 04 n for the first time this yr we didn't exceed. I mean for school skirt kind. the other kind I think we must have at least completed under timing once. It was 2 min 50 smth secs yay. I mean its not much but still yay? tho we still got skirts confiscated, n a few pairs of socks. -_- like we standardised it on the grp chat aldr -_- but its ok(actually its not)

ok n so we learnt knots n lashings. we were somewhat rusty bc we haven't done em in forever. I still knew how to tie but mine was somewhat loose. n we learnt a new lashing too :P ma'ams were rly patient

nothing much to blog about cos I'm trying to give a sanitized version with as little sarcasm as possible. q hard wen u speak fluent sarcasm(not fluent Chinese lol)

ee mother tongue oral next week ee I cannot do it

ive finished paper towns!! I swear the ending was jus bomb. but TID is still my fav. what shall I read next?

Tbh I think sports day is a perfect waste of time. but at least we can still hv fun?? I'm not looking forward to it like damn enthu kind, except maybe the cheers and definitely the ug race :p I hope our cca wins


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