16 individuals but 1 squad



Saturday 16 July 2016

flag dayy

hah so yay tdy was actually q fun

I came w kavi n arrived @ about 7.50 +-

glad we arrived early cos we were trying to figure out which exactly was the correct 'main entrance' n hence we walked frm one entrance to another n were arguing that she was wrong n she wld be like I'm certain its this one. we ended up asking maam I guessed. I hope she didn't mind the spam

turns out both of us were wrong HAHA stupid

anyway char later told me the point we met at was the only main entrance but how was I supposed to know anyway

hmm we started off slightly later than 8. we got like 6 sheets of stickers. I got annoyed and tired of sticking them

so we urm positioned ourselves outside the mrt station heh. according to char it was a smart move ;) q a rare thing to be complimented on our choice hehe. more like Amanda's but still

we were q awkward at first. somewhat reminds me of open hse. n then we jus shamelessly approached ppl I guess. actually it wasn't that bad;it cld be fun. ppl did turn us down q a lot but a lot of ppl donated too. every time someone makes a donation it gives u a sense of satisfaction and happiness. every time I got a five dollar donation I wld go running to Amanda n she was like y r u reporting to me n she was kinda done w me I guess. she seemed pretty exasperated w my excitement but at least she didnt say it. at one point in time the tables turned n Amanda was the one telling me she got a ten dollar donation. she was telling me how shocked she was n her expression then which was funny. eh, whatever u think, we weren't competing, merely like updating each other heh.

I dunno if I'm weird but everytime someone donated u can see a yay imprinted on my face. I mean we get rejected a lot every donation was like a gift

the kids r so adorable. I mean like when they donate they are just sooo cute n the way they take the stickers r just aww. (that's why I/we prefer approaching families) n some wld like say thank you n stuff. n also bc parents were less likely to reject us. most of them wld like take out some money n give the kids to donate, or hv the kids use their pocket money. den the way they wld pick the sticker by colour was jus adorable

I sound so business like ugh

some ppl were rlyrly nice like they wld donate q a sum. lmao one of the funniest n interesting I encountered was a lady who donated a small plastic pouch full of five cent coins n she was like super apologetic. another one was a lady who donated all the coins she had, but she gave some to her husband and son to donate as well. then there was also this lady who donated a lot to both Amanda n I, saying so that we can pack up earlier.

there were ppl who were reading the words imprinted on my shirt?? like the ones at the back n okay they were talking like ''Victoria  cedar alliance....'' n stuff like that. unfortunately, I hv sharp hearing. n unfortunately, Amanda's bag blocked out her words. there were ppl who enquired abt the sch n vca?? n there was this fam w young kids n they asked questions about cedar n then finally what pri sch I came frm. okayy...

there was this guy who asked me whr cedar was n I told him near potong pasir n he was like so far from here. Amanda was telling us she met someone who asked her if cedar was still a girls school.

the whole time we kinda didnt see anyone? we saw char aft we collected a new set of 6, but she fled when I asked her if she wanted to refill her sheets HAHA -_- n afterwards, nik n kavi. be4 tat we saw udhaya cuz she made a donation to us for stickers. very funny and weird, that girl

Amanda was like I don't see any maams n I was like why, u miss them? but she kept bugging me from time to time w tat observation but it wasn't annoying. anyway agreed tat it was kinda unsettling

apparently kavi n nik went to simei howevr u spell that place so that's why we didnt see em

udhaya was damn weird I swear. she donated all her change for so many stickers n pasted them on her right n on both sleeves n on her cheeks?? I was like omygawd whats wrong wif u. but udhaya is being udhaya;shes always weird, but that's what makes her interesting n funny to be arnd

mm I finished abt 8.5 sheets of stickers? my tin was aldr full anyways. Amanda was like take it as free apt. everything that happens she always says that. like whenever we carry smth heavy. n I'm like more like leg pt cuz our legs actually ache more than our arms. n shoulder pt for me, cuz my bag had only one strap n a heavy bottle. v funny. 'leg pt' can u believe it

Amanda's n mine were the heaviest. tins I mean. particularly bc our location.

n I was literally so happy n kept talking abt my tin n kavi was like ok stop boasting. oi. I nvr had an intention to boast, jus rly happy. since it wa close to 12.30 we went back to the location n sat on some boundary-like thingy sry my English is probably rotting in hell

a lot of ppl donated but didn't take the stickers? some were rly funny cuz they were tryna make a pattern w the colours

we took some rly shit photos too(w udhaya's cracked fone can u believe it)

n slightly later den 12.30 maams came back but we jus continued sitting there. n maam approached us n gave us a donation like for all of us aw

we ended not long after

anyway our angelic power necklaces arrived tdy like nik passed em to us n char n I wanted to scream but noo public place so noo. I like it so much agstkjhytntjfjdhbn thxx ily nik

ok de end

tbh I actually enjoy activities like this cuz its a good way to like bond w our squaddies? I hv bugged Amanda the most cos she n I were tgt for like both willing hearts n now flag day :P

our squad can make rly good aesthetic edits wowow so amazed n proud ;))))


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