16 individuals but 1 squad



Friday 19 February 2016

Itz Friday Friday TGIF & PARADEEEE shanks (19 Feb)

Yo shanks sup!! anyways im finally blogging some real stuff and not shitty jokes phew. must've been a reief to ur sore eyes, see my jokes all so nice till ur eyes all sore liao.


Ok so tdy we started @1.45 but n0t exactly. we actually went to the 3rd floor to do punishments 2 get back confiscated squaddies and yea that was till 2.45 . so we (not included those confiscated which i m oso) did 3 sets of 25 bx , 50 jumping & jacks 7 rounds around 3rd lvl. yah lah so de confiscated ppl heer 4 em lah. we were too loud so we were told to quite down as there were still lessons gg on by maams so we did tat ok. den wen it was almost ovr a cher come & "confront" us asking if we were the grp of girls who had been making so much noise and blah blah blah so yea we admitted. wut tat was like some time ago & we aldr quiten rite down liao ok nvm im not talking bad abt ppl or my judgements or whatsoever i wan here bc yea not v nice rite. yah den got my last yr cher tell us to run somewhere else bc v distracting ahahaha. yea he was the one who tot i had adhd( i kenut pay attention in class way worser den others so yea) some of u may noe wut im talking here. den we had 25 crunches (crunchy), 25 pumpings & 2 rounds left.

yay now letz talk abt parade, which was exhaustive but rather enriching

I was louder den usual tdy, so happy w myself tho now I got vv bad sore throad oww

we didn't fall in late dis time yay not quit n achievement but still quite an achievement whatevr. ^_^
uh huh den roll call and inspection. our boots still not shiny enough, but hopefully it will be soon.
tdy's schedule was campcraft & pt but since rainy so itz pt. so we had changing first lah duh. we exceed our goal of 5 min by 45 secs and got a couple of stuff + 9 pairs of white socks confiscated. i guess we still need to improve on our standardisation and oso how long we take 2 change and esp folding.

okay letz get to the crunchy & juicy part now . yummy but not so yummy

we did our punishments to get formations. tbh i feel maams were pretty nice and kind to let us do it now and clear it off. It totally got the crap outta us and we pretty much felt like our legs were jelly beans aft it. well we got to do lunges around the whole floor 4 the first time and goddam, itz more tiring den it seems. we look at ppl do w yalahyalah say ok one lah but wen we do we r like omy wut i wanna quit ><(my pov)

maam say pt is 4 our own good and we shld do it properly if we wanna get nice calves & stuff but ouch ouch ouch itz so hard and painful...but we persevered yayy!!

thank goodness 4 the water breaks cant express my love + relief + gratitude + lots more 4 em

maams were so nice yet again i mean super nice

u know what??
instead of doing the final set of bx they let us do endurance running (I think dey cld see we aldr v tired) thank goodness at least running isn't so bad but still quite bad too ugh, esp if u v fat and hv short legs aka me.
so itz our second endurance, this time we had to run minimum 12 rounds in 12 or 15 min i cant rmb , up from 12 in 20 mins last time. this is technically my first ever endurance bc i didn't get to do last time as i was feeling unwell, but actually i enjoy it v much. and guess what?? all of us met the target of 12 whoop whoop yay we've got gr8 runners. i think the average was 14 rounds, but yay i managed to do 16 and i was so sweaty and brr it was so cold aft esp in wet clothes and breezy winds. deon run so fast sia im jealous but i admire her 4 tat. maams cheered us on aw was pretty encouraging but quite distracting at the same time(no offense maams if you are reading this and also i do appreciate and love it too). lmao my mentality was just survive and run and i cldnt think at all mind shut down totally. i was screaming jiayous so wrongly in my final lap ahem i sounded like some feral and crazy lady who gone out of mind totally and rabid(im not a lady yet but yah) . now my throat is vvv sore owww. *mews in agony*

ive got dis nonsense syndrome lmao

den we change to quarter uni, exceeded timing yet again, plus got stuff confiscated again. den debrief cca is over 4 a week.

idk why i felt so energetic luh wen shld be feeling like a pile of klunk, but tmr morn kenut get outta bed

first full PT PARADE eva but I guess it iz okies

thank goodness i brought extra np tee 2 change into cuz brr v cold sia.

ok bye gg 2 sleep now tats all 4 dis post shanks

good luck & "may the odds be ever in your favour" !! (for common tests dis coming wk)

  aka ur crazy fangirl squaddie

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