16 individuals but 1 squad



Saturday 6 February 2016

A year on

In case if u were wondering if this was an epilogue, please be reminded that it is not and u hv been fooled thx. This is  a dedi to my squad

I'm really sorry for being so sarcastic, rash, snappy and such a troublemaker to you guys. I'll try to be more cool-headed and not get mad so easily. I'm sorry for all that I've done to anger you all, which is quite a lot. On the other hand, plz dun be so rude and authorative okk it's super annoying. Overall, thanks for trying to tolerate with my bs and loads of crap that made yall so mad!! Ily all!!

Gin Wen: thx 4 remenbering all the knots so well
squad without fail :) and your knots are legit goalz how even u need to gimme ur knots fab-ness

Sukainah- thx for being responsible and getting stuff for us that needs standardization.  Without u we would have been dead-er for camp

Kavithaa- thx for being the squad labeller woo and being so open minded

Alyssa- thx for printing our squad attendance lists and getting stuff 4 us w su

Bee Kim- thx for being our squad timer :) without u our squad wud be so uncoordinated lmao

Nancy- thx for being our squad treasurer we trust tat our money wun go missing with u :) if git extra money can gimme horh OK nah jk

Sadhvi- thx for becoming more active on your participation of squad activities!!

Japleen- thx for helping us with some dance steps for our AC Dance

Deon- thx for getting squad stuff w su and aly and creating those dance steps!!

Nurul- thx for being so calm and cool and not taking sides in arguments

Charlene- thx for being the mother of our squad u help us loads in debrief hohoho

Udhaya- thx for being the funky squaddie yo and being a sort-of badass like me yoo

Amanda- thx for being the most honest in our squad and being so neutral

Ling Si- thx for not getting mad at us!! I dun rmb u getting mad tho


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