16 individuals but 1 squad



Saturday 6 February 2016

one year


6 Feb..it's been a year. I'm really grateful to know all of Artemis for the past one year. My journey in Cedar NP has become a memorable one because of yall:)

We've done so well for the past year and I hope we continue to improve as an individual and as a squad. I'm really happy that we have made a such big improvement. Honestly, I feel that I belonged to Artemis and I hope yall do too:)

I'm sorry if I sound authoritative and bossy at times, I don't mean to. Sorry if anyone of you feel excluded, we will definitely improve on that, I promise. I hope yall feel positive towards the fact that NP is going to be your CCA for 4 years. I really want all of us to work together and feel included in any type for activity or discussion. I know that there are obvious cliques in the squad, but I hope all of us continue to bond and don't see that as a problem.

Alyssa: You're a great leader and very organized. I'm grateful to have you in our squad to help settle conflicts. 

Amanda: You're very thoughtful and always puts others before yourself. 

Bee Kim: You're quite funny and always light up the squad's mood.

Charlene: You're very logical and always dedicated in whatever you do.

Deon: You're weird, a good weird. You always help the squad in every way you can.

Gin Wen: You are very kind and no matter what, you would always try to see the positive side of things.

Japleen: You're very caring and always try your best to turn up for squad practices. 

Kavithaa: You're the best at campcraft. You always respect people's opinions although you may not agree with them.

Ling Si: You're very soft spoken.

Nancy: You always help to make sure the money is kept save and also help to get things for us.

Nurul: You're very humble in everything you do.

Niki: You're actually funny and always try to help in everything. 

Sadhvi: You try your best to get the things done. You also always attend for squad lunch.

Udhaya: You're very nice and also make sure you get to know everything that you missed out.

Yin Yin: You're very participative and you're drills are very very super duper good.

I appreciate everything that yall have done for the squad. I hope you all have a great CNY !!

Jia you for everything:)


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