16 individuals but 1 squad



Thursday 9 June 2016

ded pt.1

hellu all artemisians and readers

I, the unicorn have returned from Dreamland and put my foot on Earth. The grass doesnt taste as good:(

This morning in Dreamland, i woke up at 5 to eat- ramly burger and sausage bread was good mmmm. then i went back to sleep before waking up at 6.20 to get ready and pass through customs. We had extra training today, i was so so so sleepy:/

We did APT first and my arms died. Idk if it's because i never train for very long or because fasting..probably both (last time i trained my arms was 2 weeks ago lel) We did tent pitching after that, ma'ams went through everything and i hope next training we can finally pitch a full tent !!!!!!

We did changing with Eos and we exceeded timing by 49seconds:( and got a slack confiscated (which we did claim back in the end wuhu). We did a few drills after that before learning rifle drills yas. We learnt senang diri, sedia and rusuk senjata(?). It was quite challenging but ma'ams said it was okay for our first try:D

People keep sending me snaps about food, THEIR STORY ALL ABOUT FOOD
I'm super thirsty, my throat is so dry CMON 5HRS AND 45 MINUTES MOREE (1.27pm now)
I think i'll go sleep after this and go back to Dreamland

Ma'ams if you happen to read this, this is the halal doge niki and i were talking about:

And i hope this brightens up your day: 

- sukaiYES

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