16 individuals but 1 squad



Thursday 9 June 2016

ded person no.2

actually no im not really dead im just really sleepy im woke up at 5:30am after 2 weeks of sleeping in till 9

cat tired sleepy yawn
this cat is so cute <3 the yay is so redundant tho
today was actually one of the best CCA days :D we had apt and i personally think that we did quite well for apt !! 10 pushups and 40 pumpings and even though some of our arms were like jelly afterwards, at least we did those pushups and pumpings the best we could !! remember to practise apt at home okay ? there are some ways you can practise apt i think i sent those ways before in the squad gc but i'll just send here again

ways to practise apt:
1) coke bottle with twine and life (( this is how i do it i dont know if this is the real way ))
     - fill your coke bottle with water and tie the top to your life using twine and hold the two ends of your life and roll it to "pull" the coke bottle up; the more water there is, the more difficult it is 
2) newspaper
     - tear out 2 pages of newspaper; one for each hand, and you hold the pieces of newspaper in each hand and you hold your arm at 90 degrees and start squashing the newspaper into balls and make sure you squash them until they cant be seen when you clench your fists (( that means you fist should close up around the newspaper and you shouldnt be able to see it )) 
3) twinkles
     - im sure all of us know how to do twinkles, so basically you just hold your arm at 90 degrees and count the number of twinkles you can do each time; as you do more, your arm power should increase, so make sure to increase the number of twinkles you aim to do !! and remember to KEEP YOUR ARM AT 90 DEGREES THE WHOLE TIME !! if not it wont be effective because you are technically "slacking"
4) pumpings
     - im sure all of us know how to do pumpings as well, so basically you get into pumping position and you do pumpings HAHAHA and your arm power technically should increase each time you do  (( unless you're not pushing and challenging yourself )), so as you do more, increase your aimed number of pumpings and MAKE SURE TO DO THE PUMPINGS PROPERLY AH IF NOT ITS NOT EFFECTIVE THEN YOU WASTE TIME DOING IT WHEN YOU WONT GAIN ANYTHING ))

i do apt once a day before i sleep and i think it kind of helps if you do it regularly ?? because before june hols i only did apt like twice or thrice a month and my apt was so bad i couldnt get a proper tension on the tent but during june hols when i started doing it regularly i finally could get a proper tension so i think it helps if you do it regulary and who knows we may become this 
Endemol Beyond musclesspace emoji red moon moon emoji

moving onnnn, we finally learnt how to pitch a full tent !! i got free apt while waiting for nancy to tie the knot (( no she's not getting married )) so THX NANCY FOR THE FREE APT :D we didnt actually pitch a tent but MMM WE LEARNT SO no more excuses and Ma'ams can pitch a FULL tent in 9 min ?? okay artemis we must beat that timing okay jiayou jiayou !! now that we know how to pitch the full tent we have no excuses to say we do not know how to do any steps, if you dont know any knots or you forgotten anything, squid artemis is always on your whatsapp page (( unless yall clear chats HAHAHA )) so feel free to come ask us okay ? we wont scold you or blame you so dont be scared !! if you dont know and you still dont ask, its worse than not knowing and clarifying so remember to ask !! :) 

next we had changing um um lets just say we need to improve our sense of urgency ya :) and help out squadmates do not give eye power !!

anddd we had drills !! i think our drills really improved alot !! our bangings alot more coordinated, but theres room for improvement !! AND WE LEARNT RIFLE DRILLS TODAY !! FINALLY !!!!!!!! I WAS WAITING SO LONG FOR THIS DAY AKNAOIHOWOINOKWA okay sorry i shall maintain ahem so yes we learnt rifle drills and i was so happy rifle drills are so fun i finally know how to hold a rifle i cant wait to learn more rifle drills I WANT TO PRACTISE BUT HOW DO YOU PRACTISE WHEN YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIFLE IM SO SAD :((( but ye its so funnnn yayyy i wan do more rifle drills and after practising during extra training for a few mins i finally can catch the rifle with one hand yay !! alot of us could, and if you cant, DONT GIVE UP YA !! im sure you can do it soon !! practise more during parades or extra trainings and like what Ma'ams say, "do not be afraid of the rifle or to flick the rifle up, if not the chances of it hitting you is even more" so BE DARING YA !! once you get the hang of it, its really fun !!:)

today was one of the best CCA days ever i love it YAY :D

~#lovehashtagsandseksitension ;);)

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