16 individuals but 1 squad



Friday 26 February 2016

today's parade (26/2) + sorry charliflower!!

apparently I had promised to let Charliflower hv the right to post abt tdy, but I hv no intent to do hw now or study 4 cts and I hv nuthin 2 do so I cant restrain myself

so yay letz start w squad lunch?
v little ppl turned up like 6 hmph >:( even tho more cld've turned up :"( unity goals ok but we can improve on dis aspect anyway.  me and aman & ginger helped out w knots, like teach em wut to do @ which step and what each knot is called (wowza srsly) but ok we all aren't perfect rite there will always be smth we lack in forgiveness complete.

blahblahblah time flies aldr 2.40

some ppl still dun wan leave so late liao + still need to change + put bags how can u not rush?? idk maybe bc im the kanchiong spider so I keep rushing and worrying too much

ok at least we made it in time phew

yay parade

ofc we had changing first. out target was 4 min, but we ended up hitting 6 min 19 s aish. we missed out target so badly haix but at least the faster ones helped out

then tent pitching!!

we aimed to build an inner sheet in 25 min, but we ended up finishing it at 30 min w time extention. and the quality was so um. our grp's tent tore tho. w unpitched it & tried again, this time targeting 20 min w no time extention. My group finished in time, but it was full of imperfections, whereas the other team didn't. I think we've got a couple of common problems, such as giving eye power, not knowing wut exactly  do bc nvr read campcraft manual, poor tension, "poorly positioned" ( by which I mean like slanted). got a few more cant rmb. yea we got knocked down t0o.

aft tat we returned the campcraft items, and went to the back of the canteen w ma'am. oh gawd I was so scared I tot we were about to be punished or smth, esp wen my thinking is pretty wild and im pretty paranoid too.

turns out it wasn't


guess wat it was then

sort-of trashing, based on our reflections done a few weeks back, but w CIs.

many of us cried, im no exception. idk if its bc we saw others crying oso cannot control. I guess we cldnt control ourselves

we each had to say if-im-not-wrong smth negative we have abt our any squadmate? sorry my memory impaired.

tbh, its kinda weird its always the same ppl being mentioned, and oso once someone says sb, the next few oso say the same person, like huh? I do agree w some of them, but sometimes we keep saying the same repetitive things it can get a lil annoying, esp 4 me cuz it was like almost all abt me and always the same thing like dude I know aldr tats enuf! i was kinda annoyed and a lil hurt, but itz part and parcel of stuff like tat I guess

most of us cried, idk how to explain tho. it was pretty sad but yea

I guess its actually kinda beneficial 4 us cuz we got to know each other btr, were given some "tips" by Ma'ams, and suggestions on how to improve ourselves first at hand. cuz everyones at fault too rite? "it takes 2 hands to clap", as the old saying goes.

at the end we got a "good points abt everyone" part, like everyone says a good thing about anyone, cr aly. this brightened up the mood a lil. and ma'am was telling us how to blame aly if our mums aren't happy w us coming home late or smth

ok I needa go now 4 btr written posts look out 4 my squaddies' ones lah sry 4 the lousy post I'm still in a  bad mood but I hope itz elaborate enuff tho


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