16 individuals but 1 squad



Friday 26 February 2016


Okay so HI GUYS IT'S ME BABARELLA !! so today i'll be introducing to you guys this new make-up product.. HAHAHAHAHAHAH JUST KIDDING !!!

Okay serious things now hehe.

We did tent-pitching as well as something new for yesterday's parade. I think we need to work a lot on our tent-pitching. It has been one year plus and we are still clueless as to what we should do, of course, I know most of us have read the CC manual and I get that some don't understand unless someone demonstrates it to them. That is why we have squad recess/lunch and practice sessions. It is just that some of us (or sometimes most of us) do not turn up. Why is that? I don't know. It could be that we have projects? We have no time as we have to change? These are all valid reasons (to me, I guess) and as long as you inform us, we will understand. I really hope that everyone turns up for squad meetings and we can bond a little yah.

As for the 'something new', I guess it is something I wanted to do for some time and it finally happened. We had squad reflection+bonding+thrashing. It was really... intense? No, I'm not gonna reveal what happened, it's our squad thing but I  shall say my own faults. I am short-tempered, easily annoyed and bossy, SOMETIMES. (at least I hope it is sometimes) and I understand and can feel the frustration we get when we see someone do wrong BUT WE ARE A SQUAD YOZ AND WE SHOULD HELP EACH OTHERS YOZ. Continuing with myself, I actually have NO RIGHT to scold anyone at all. I do not practise camp craft regularly, I don't always turn up for squad activities, I have clique within the squad, I am biased and self-centered sometimes. These are SOME of the areas I need to improve on and I NEED ARTEMIS' HELP so SOS SOS SOS SOS SOS SOS SOS SOS ALERT!

After yesterday, I was reflecting seriously after CCA during my tuition (but first lemme tell you a funny as hell story, so yesterday we were working on visual text during tuition and then cuz i was thinking very seriously about CCA and wasn't paying attention so when my cher suddenly called on me, i was like 'YES MA'AM!' it was sooooo embarrassing i swear, the class next door thought got what happening and got scared LMAO aHAHAHA) and I think that ARTEMIS WE SHOULD BUCK UP AND WORK ON EVERY SINGLE AREA WE ARE WEAK AT AND NOT LET CEDAR NPCC UNIT DOWN OKAI !!!

Artemis MANSAE MANSAE MANSAE OHHH MANSAE MANSAE MANSAE OHHHHHH !! ( its a kpop song by SEVENTEEN called 'mansae' lmaooo go check iT OUT)

the most awesome baesquadmate you'll have hehe ()    ()   <okay i tried but fail
                                                                                (~ ~)

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