16 individuals but 1 squad



Sunday 17 January 2016




ok lets be serious .
so last 2 parades were..very meaningful and important actually. We learnt alot of important points that will definitely help us improve ourselves. 


A point we really need to improve on. I feel like some of Artemis needs to 'speak up' even though the questions asked seems stupid because that's the only way we can clear up doubts. Also, do not alter the information you have because it's very important that all of us know the original situation.


Everyone of us has to be responsible for our own 'stuff'. We cannot always depend on some people to get things for us. As they try their best to help, we need to try our best to improve ourselves too.


Even though NP is not the cca we chose to be in, it is our duty to ensure that NP continues to be the best. We cannot expect everything to go our way. Our attitude will affect the unit as a whole, and even the school. We must try to answer the important questions raised in the gc in order to reduce conflicts. 

Hope for Artemis to really change for the better and do ourselves proud. 

- sukaibroduckcatnahslothtreepalm

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