16 individuals but 1 squad



Monday 31 August 2015

Orange Ribbon Run


I'll try to keep this short but interesting because I need to eat. Hopefully this blog will continue to be active!

29 August, was the Orange Ribbon Run. It was actually a fun walk. Only 2 Artemis-ians went for the walk, sadly. Deon was supposed to attend but didn't manage to come:( Apparently, half of Hestia and Astraia ma'ams went for the walk! Hopefully Artemis can be as bonded as them! 

Both of us just walked and talked together for the entire time, nothing much really. We were quite lost to be honest. We kept turning around to look for the ma'ams cause we were not sure where to go. The best part was, both of us got MILO!! There was a long queue though. Other UG also went, like NCC. The walk was quite stress relieving actually, I was glad I took part in this. If there are more activities like this, I'm sure to participate and I hope others will too.

I'm so sleepy right now, I didn't know writing this could be fun...Anyway, September Holidays coming...Doesn't seem like a holiday to me, more of studying week I guess.


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