16 individuals but 1 squad



Friday 7 July 2017

hi its me again 40 min later

h e l l o again

hi again, (read prev blogpost first),

its niki being bored and looking through artemis sec 1 chats and old blogposts and i have compiled a list of things i have discovered.

1. we were so cringey... did we think we were cool in sec 1? smhsmhsmh ewwww, i want to d i s o w n myself. used so many emojis (like the hundred emoji and the water one and the "cool" one) CRINGE disgust. but lolol i think when i'm 20 and i look at this blogpost i will think "niki in 2017 IS SO CRINGEY WHO USES SMH" we will never know (till 5 years later). as of now i think artemis is not at a cringe level, i think we're pretty hip.

2. its nice to see how we have progressed. not saying we are the best squad ever (hahahahah we not) but yeah!! we used to only talk to a few people in the squad, only talk as a squad when things really needed to be discussed, quarreled a few times, were q biased but now! :") lovelylovely heartwarminggggggggg.

3. yeah i got nothing else.

have a good day again, might come back soon maybe maybe not hm
doing graph hw, i am enjoying life
lifes great

<3 - noki part 2/dua/二/இரண்டு

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