16 individuals but 1 squad



Thursday 30 March 2017

hiya wassup w the recent string of posts :D

finally ive lost my streak w blog posts :DDDD

anyways these couple of parades r understudies jiayous us!! HAHAHA

anyways i was bored so i scrolled thru the apt gc to look at us making funny comments while doing apt *cough* i jus think they r rlly cute so anyways i got bored and compiled some less personal into a list n oh you'd find that chunchun talks a lot in the apt gc wen updating abt apt how annoying JKJK

ok bye
anyways can maams pls dun pop we crying :(

chaol eastfall to the darkling bc y not
what do u expect from someone who changes her aliases as often as she changes her underwear

the Darkling aye ;)

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