16 individuals but 1 squad



Friday 10 February 2017

parade!!(its hella long jus a warning)

honestly im jus gna write here bc i dun hv my reflections book to write and when my book comes back i need reference as to what happened if not ill forget so...

anyways we were jus pretty excited but nervous bc the sec 1s came tdy and hmm ofc we didnt want to embarrass ourselves but we were also kinda curious as to what the enrolment will be (*cough* kaypo aunties *cough*)

we were pretty excited when we saw the schedule on weds bc unit bonding/rt but then we were like oh wait still got changing nvm HAHA

anyways we had to 'look after' the logistics so me n gw were jus awkwardly standing around

when parade started our drills were not that good so we ended up wasting time doing and redoing basic drills even before roll call :( like we kind of did not have good bangings and our actions were not sharp

then our attire not that good like our berets not that seasoned and socks were too low

then we took a v long to carry the rifles to the second floor ahem sense of urgency

then we did drills for awhile and we were told off for our lack of sense of urgency earlier and bc our drills were q bad like we still did basic drills wrongly sometimes

Ma'ams were quite strict with us bc we needed to improve our standards like not only bc we r taking over soon(cri i dw), drills com coming up. i mean got other reasons as well. but we knew it was for our own good bc honestly w this standard we dont/arent really representing cedar np

for drills today everyone, or almost everyone, got to try timing :) which is good

we had a couple of problems, and im naming a few which includes transferring when doing rusuk and not being alert/lagging and uncoordinated bangings

tbh i think we learnt q a lot today. like we learnt what our overlooked mistake was when we did hormat senjata, and we also learnt something else. so its about this command: begerak ke kiri/kenan bertiga-tiga ke kiri/kenan pusing. when Ma'am commanded begerak ke kenan bertiga-tiga ke kenan pusing, some of us accidentally did the drill. we were not supposed to do the drill as it was wrong, obviously. again, the need to be alert. the reason why it was wrong was because it lacked bertiga-tiga, and bertiga-tiga means three ranks(learnt that tdy woo) so if its not included its wrong bc its not meant for 3 ranks and its meant for like i.e 2 ranks. so if we do not have 3 ranks the command will be begerak ke kiri/kenan ke kiri/kenan pusing
(apologies if i typed the drills out wrongly)

then we learnt memberi hormat semasa bejalan kehadapan hormat as rifle drills tdy(ok honestly how do i put this HAHA). then Ma'ams asked if we knew/could guess how the saluting was done w a rifle and then some of us aldr knew. then Ma'ams were like how did they know ah then Ma'am was like they watch Hestia (Ma'ams) do lah but then apparently we learnt it during ndc. like for besurai but ugh i have no memory of it bc i hv goldfish memory

but Ma'ams taught how it was done to us bc there were some of us who didnt participate in ndc. it was a relief for me bc i forgot(im stupid)

afterwards we tried us as a squad. there was this once we did this drill when it landed on the right foot and it was wrong bc the drill is supposed to land on your left foot. of course we were semula-ed and told off for doing the drill despite knowing it was wrong. we tried the drill and other drills too and we did poorly a couple of times i.e maju bc some of us still a bit confused

idk in the middle of somewhere but definitely during the drills section of the day Ma'ams asked us to guess the number of sec 1s and we guessed till someone said 22 (which Ma'ams said was correct) and we were like omG cos that was big and Ma'ams were like thats the biggest since those days be4 Zephyr Ma'ams....? our squad feels kinda small now HAHAHA

after that we moved to the courtyard. and then Ma'ams told us to do our drills well bc the sec 1s will be watching us and that made us pretty scard bc ahem our standards..well we were worried it would be bad bc our standard had a tendency to fluctuate

we did drills awhile more be4 we were being watched and after the whole drills thing at the courtyard we were quite drained
-our belok needs more improvement

and then we had changing!! we had a target of 3 mins(bc our record is 3 mins 08 secs) but ended up 3 mins 07 secs. like we changed in 2 mins(which according to Ma'ams was fast) an by the time e finished folding it was aldr 2 mins 45 secs but we took damn long falling in so we exceeded. i think we should be more 'flexible' and not always be like oh im from this rank and this position i cannot go fall in at another rank or another position i die die must get this place agn...bc it wastes q a lot of time getting into a proper squad? noah offense

ayy on the bright side we set new record by.....1 SECOND!! hahaha it sounds so pathetic
we didnt get stuff confiscated but we dk if this is bc Ma'ams didnt check

anyways now to rt@the bball court!!

idk we were made to sing/croon some vv weird and cringy line something like hit me babe more time or smth it jus sounded hella gross and in my defense in case yall think I'm v dirty minded to type this out I have no idea what this actually means

then Ma'ams were likre its RT and were like rt was in RT and not Arte lmao. i tot they were saying arty till they said something about themselves being called Hesty(Ma'ams or smth) then i/most of us got it

essentially we chucked and then numbered off from 1 to 8 and the first game was captains ball
grp 1 x grp 2 and grp 3 x 4 and so on. idk...it felt pretty awkward and i could not rmb everyone's names bc i stupid

and then on to the game...i felt pretty bad bc Ma'am let me have the ball and idk if i shd hv taken it i mean maybe i was too competitive and i jus felt vvv bad and idk half the time our squad was wondering if we were taking too much initiative and essentially being selfish. but its not like we took it all the time lah we oso got let others try and so on

i kinda tore my slacks by skidding on the floor and then there was tis perfectly torn circle surrounded by red(the colour of the floor wow) n my sis was like it looks like a gunshot wound...i guess thats if slacks can bleed

then it was the second half(grp 5-8's turn) to play. it was rlly funny watching them play and the ball always seemed to go out of the court and the game seemed hella intense bc like woah they all crowd around the ball and try to get their haands on it. some of the funny things were probably when the ball ended up under them or they ended up sitting on it so it looked like as if they were chickens hatching eggs...im not saying anyone looks plump like a chicken this is just an analogy

after that we had dog and bone(grp 1x2 vs grp 3x4) it was rlly funny watching ppl try to get their hands on the ball. Ma'ams would call out a number, but not directly like i.e 1x7=no. 7 go so sigh depends on our math and my math sucks. and there was generally a lot of yelling when we figured out which number to make the run. it was damn funny in the senes no one rlly seemed to be able to get a clean shot at the ball and running safely back...along the way they always get tagged and thats the funny part bc the ball will be handed over to the one who tapped/tagged the other but almost as soon as the ball leaves the person's hand that person will tag the initial tagged and that was whr the fun started bc it nvr seemed to end. amanda was rlly cute lah HAHA and sadhvi was oso damn smart in her way of getting the points for her side. jus mentioning those from artemis lah HAHA

yay and debrief and then to the subject of drills some of us kinda 'bouncing' n it looked ridiculous wen Ma'ams demo to show us how we look like so we kinda know how ugly we look wen we do that and also how some of us do the raising of legs to 90 degress wrongly like we bend in a bit so it also looks ugly and un-90 degrees i guess. debrief was kinda more chill tdy...? idk it was peppered by funny moments i.e that "bad points and good pants'' bc char wanted to say "bad points and good points'' but got smth like 'voice typo'(idk how 2 put tis lah) and i.e the lack of manpower as bad points i think den Ma'ams were like how to improve and we were like increase manpower wow so helpful HAHAHAHA

our squad was acting rlly drunk in the toilet we jus started doing cheers/rad singing and hmm so we took a bit of time there. den while we were packing our bags later on at the flec i was about to eat banana and i was like hey guys anyone wanna see a monkey and char was like *excitedly* where and i was like "Me." i cant believe char fell for it she (and others there atm) looked pretty done w me

anyways tgif aye and heres a joke bc im so lame and i dont know how to end off

Did you hear about the two guys that tried to steal a calendar?
They each got six months.

i think u shd get it ba? anyways i feel like sleeping

the fat lazy sloth cum cheesy cum lame cum stupid etc,
chaol eastfall

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