16 individuals but 1 squad



Friday 6 January 2017

long time no post

hey so its me again
the blog post views are liked more than or around 200 for the most recent 20 or so?/ which is damn weird considering last time we barely got past 30. i think someone was weirdly spamming our blog or ppl jus v free to read during the hols. but i dont think anyone will read our posts rn

anyways im no longer DADdario but chaol eastfall now bc i finally found out what daddy means *cough* and so DADdario might be kinda controversial. and bc chaol westfall(lol east and west notice the pun)

so, first week of school is over? like so fast. but i was just half awake throughout most lesssons even tho only first week?? im so poor i cant even pay attention in class. IM SORRY I COULDNT PASS UP A GOOD OPPORTUNITY AT A JOKE

yay so parade on fri and cca experiential day on thurs? i kinda enjoyed parade ytd as we did drills n i rlyrly love drills(sry im weird)
cca experiential day was memorable for a variety of reasons? all of us felt like crying the first time we did drills bc we were just so bad :( but at least we improved afterwards. i was literally cringing at my own drills

lmao i took a pic of the parade schedule and sent to a fren bc i saw that we were gna learn a new drill and i got kinda excited? then she was like whats parade and that brought me back to earth. i just ignored her bc i was too lazy to explain whats parade lol im so mean

a lot of us were rlly nervous bc first parade!!

hmm we had squad lunch ytd? 10 out of 14 people turned up. amanda was late to the party by the time she arrived most of us had left aldr n she was pretty sad
and then we were talking rlly rad stuff and we came to the topic of how many of artemis was in each class and who. su was like __ and __ are in 3__ . then she pointed at me n was like u n yinyin r in the same class and i was like am i not yinyin?? i think she meant ginwen or was intending to point at ginwen. it was a rlly hilarious affair

then parade!! aly happened to return the wrong skirt, so she was left w a size 1 skirt instead of her own one. so me n nik(i think??) went to get back the correct skirt for her.

we did drills at flec first then went to the fourth floor, which kinda scared me?

anyways we revised our drills and also learnt the new drills. our drills still not that good but hmm, i think our kebelakang was btr than on thurs? like we still not that coordinated an bangings not that solid but we no longer swayed as much when we turned around(?) as far as i saw. but our dressing still quite an issue. and we still did some drills wrongly :( we need more practice on our own

lmao Ma'ams let us look at the sky for awhile lmao

and new drill!! we learn kekiri/kekenan hormat(?) when Ma'ams demo it looked easy but when it was done it was so confusing?? i just couldnt coordinate my hands and legs and i rlly wanted to cry when i saw my squadmates getting some idea of it or aldr getting it but i just could not do it. thanks to Ma'ams (and squaddies) I finally somewhat got it in the end :'') drills was kinda exhausting but we all persevered through yay!!


lets end this w a joke to reward u for reading all this shit
Q: wHY WAs the stadium so cold?

chaol eastfall lol

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