16 individuals but 1 squad



Friday 27 January 2017


to all of u who celebrate cny happy cny
i dun celeb bc i hv no relatives here can i crii im literally crying looking to the next four days w nothing to do but hw but i think im gna go hoboing at kavis hse bc ive no life oH yA i can oso polish my boot and season my beret

omg the cedar npcc blog looks so damn nice now like Ma'ams so pro omg

anyways our squad took squad photos today? but only 11/16 turned up sia :(
we kinda meant to take this photo as a one year on thing. bc we took squad photos after sch cny celeb last year. and it was also at the track? anyways that time we also took photos w our Astraia Ma'ams who had been our ncos then. im just feeling damn sad thinking about it like it has been a year aldr??

lmao we ha to legit wait until about 20 mins till as many pple turned up and in the mean time evryone just sat down and started talking, idk, random stuff. somehow we came to the topic of shooting and marksmen and we were like eesh so hard to get etc etc

we look v weird in the photo bc we try to be cool but we r not cool ok lol
the only photobombers in the pics are our bags bc we just anyhow dumped them tgt HAHAHA

anyways lub u artemis <3/icecreamcone emoji

why is this pic so big ahaha i think we more prepared here aND I SEE A CUBE in chars hand ok whats its name agn

and heres to a new pose...

hmm bc artemis=hunting
posting pics on blogger has nvr gotten any easier for me wew someone teach me how to properly pls
your awesome chaol eastfall

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