16 individuals but 1 squad



Thursday 1 December 2016

an eggtraordinary day

hello eggveryone!!!!

it is already 1 december wow cannot believe it. so hmm, i think that today was quite eggciting HAHAHAH tbh quite boring la but i took an eggtra long nap after i reached home. anyways, even tho its already december, i havent rlly started homework hahahaa wow wow i am a very eggcellent student. 

so hmm today was an eggtraordinary day cause we received an eggtremely awesome and cute gift. they were eggs (not sarcastic, we really mean it when we say they are cute. we are not egging at all)

(told you, they really are cute) 

look at him watch him being slightly weird but tbh us with our eggs. talking and singing with our eggs you know cause why not. good night 

ps. thank you for the eggs and food, Ma'ams (if you are reading this) 

lulu your looloo, hartoYES, foofoo your booboo 

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