16 individuals but 1 squad



Friday 5 August 2016

cndc!! (finally)

omg ya its finally cndc. kinda been waiting for today since last yr

crii I aldr miss the trngs n tdy crii
I was looking at the clock constantly thinking oh had it been ytd we would have been having ndc trng or smth liddat. anyway I was watching the ug ppl from the sec school in front do drills n prepare for their ndc

got kinda sentimental ytd realising tat it was the final trng. kinda got feet bbq and I was rly tempted to hop from one foot to it was burning hot on our feet another cuz the canvas shoes are pretty useless. first few minutes are okay but after that its ow ow ow till u r given any command tat required movement from ur feet. this was ytd ah

hmm the heat from the sun didn't bother me but the heat on my feet did? I think it wasn't that sunny.v funny. I rmb watching a classmate of mine in ndc frm another cca applying sunblock n I was like wtheck. not criticizing other ugs ok I'm jus like amazed I didn't even bother and much less thought about it(standing under the sun)hmm much care for my body

I took 2 hours to prep my uni r yall proud. mainly jus polishing boots cuz I haven't done it in a million years. I tried to sleep at 10 but everytime I lay down, I would think oh I haven't done this yet n I wld stand up and go about doing it. this happened a lot of times till my mum yelled at me to go to sleep I guess. I couldn't fall asleep anyway

yea so woke up at 0430 but surprisingly not sleepy at all? past few days even tho I slept more n took coffee I could still fall asleep, but tdy I was super nervous but hyped up at the same time. when we reached sch the door wasn't open yet?

I kinda loved that the parade was out of school bc that meant a bus trip!! the bags were kinda annoying

sir why u walk so fast(omg I typed farts wtheck)like dammit I was hving a lot of problems keeping up n our arms were pretty sore from carrying our bags(arm power much)

the whole parade was jus cooool ya. I was excited when we finally fell in at the tent like structure. I hope I wasn't trembling that badly. I was more nervous about screwing up than the attention lmao. in fact, I didn't even care that ppl were watching

my belok(?) was getting better I guess but still much room for improvement. idk but I think we were a lot better when we were in hormat position during the anthem? idk for me and a couple of others we didn't feel like dying as we had the first time we tried it. I mean, it still hurts like hell but we no longer feel like we are breaking from within. maybe bc we got music this time so we could lose ourselves in the music n not concentrate on when the hell would we be allowed to put our hands down. relieved I didn't miss the drum beats for kekenan lurus? phew is less than what I can say

and when we finally marched off and the parade ended, it felt so brief. idk how long it lasted but it seemed so brief that I was kinda in disbelief

hmm we took photos w contingent n sec 4 maams?

gw is pretty creepy like she sneaked up on me n made me scream -_- as least she no longer constantly pokes me like last yr. she briskwalked like wow shes so much more active than us HAHA we too lazy run esp me n jap(that's why we fat HAHA)

gee I didn't even know what to do the remaining time. I was mainly jus walking around aimlessly
me n gw decided to jus draw I guess lol like w the chalk. others helped too yay. our drawing was pretty big so I'm not sure what to say if u missed it lol. at first we wrote smth like cedar npcc '15 to '18 cuz we r the 15 to 18 batch, but later we realised our mistake after maam pointed it out n char added an infinity symbol behind it. solution presents itself :)
if u saw the art heres a chocolate to ya :)

we went for banja ltr n ok I'm gonna admit I still dunno how to banja ok. banja is super fun but its more having urself ripped in half due to the difference in pace HAHA. (preg)nancy stepped on my shoe so it was on the verge or falling off but I cld not slip it back on so I jus continued banja-ing. n great, my shoe fell off so I banja-ed w one shoe n I was like noooo as I watched the distance between me n my shoe widen HAHA. kinda embarrassed when afterwards maam picked up the shoe n asked who did it belong to lmao. lesson learnt-NEVER wear loose shoes. cannot count how many times I got stepped on so pretty thankful we weren't in boots

hmm gw said we were ok so yay! she said she saw some ppl kinda lag tho so it kinda proves ppl can rly see everything?

I jus saw the video maams sent n ok yea we cld see how we did? everyone's movement is kinda obvs actually. not much opinions cuz who am I to say things anyway

first n last time being in goh contingent :(  but really a big honour to do it
first n last time marching w maams too :(
n first time marching for ndc :)

for me first time using a portable toilet cubicle(is that it's name???) HAHA the toilet smells sickly sweet like spiders or cough syrup or smth or a combination of all but plz dun ask me how I know how spiders smell like ok

admits ive never used portable toilet cubicles be4 HAHAHA

ndc rly taught us a lot of things, like being resilient and was the thing that led to many of our firsts. it also helped us improve our drills a lot(tho prob still not v gd quality) n for me it kinda revived my love for nP? idk abt u.

hmm any memorabilia from ndc trng for u? hmm for me yes. I kinda ran into a wall while rushing for trng on weds or ytd n I slammed my hand against a door handle. so now I have a beautiful bruise that's even prettier than my face on my arm HAHA. I prob looked like i fell in love w the wall. still cant stop laughing at how stupid n blur I was not to see the wall approaching lmao not my first walk-in anyway HAHA.

on side note HAPPY BDAY (preg)NANCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lmao 'happy bday nancy but pls tuck in ur shirt' (quoting maam ay)

atc in a week??? I rmb in jan/feb/march aly was like why we receive the atc date now sia got 7 more months or smth liddat. nonono time is too fast I'm growing so old. I feel so old. I cant imagine myself in my forties or smth liddat omg

so much to say but I cant rmb almost half lmaooo

oh yea char needs to shuddup jkjk she can sing q well tho I v reluctant to admit. 'yall will probably fail choir' ~char at us-_-its ok I got other talents like procrastinating

stalking thru everyone's blog now cuz DAMN BORED
suddenly all the source of hectic in my life is nearly gone, exams n trng. I dun miss exams lah HAHA

jus gonna mention this one time but I'm yin ok bye
go n judge me now + ur impression of me probably crushed
pretty sure no one expected this to be me


Q: How did he flashlight feel when his batteries died?
A: He felt delighted!

48 pageviews today alone wow
kinda happy that others r posting too tho only a few

kinda looking forward to extra trng on mon yay


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