16 individuals but 1 squad



Saturday 20 February 2016

what Ma'am Eden told us *IMPT POST BTR READ*

When the rest of our squadmates were doing the remaining 25 crunches & lunges, a Ma'am got the confiscated people over and told us something & told us to tell the " non-confiscated " ppl what she told us. so yea this post is abt it, I will try to include as much as I can rmb as possible.

so anyways we stood in a semi-circle, and we told Ma'am how we were confiscated and by who. And the after listening to us, she found some common reasons why we were confiscated. They are miscommunication, when we carry things around, being unable to keep up and a few others I cannot rmb im sorry!! Ma'am told us that being confiscated isn't entirely our fault. She also told us how to avoid being confiscated next time.
They are:
-we can drag at least a squad mate around wherever we go
-get their attention if im not wrong
-we can try to keep up with them/their pace (try not to lag behind)
-don't leave anyone behind

there are a few others but I cannot rmb too >< im so sorry
my memory super limited
ill update the others ASAP

anyways I'll still tell my squadmates during squad recess again, jic they nvr read so yay task completed *ticks the task off mental list*

most down-to-earth post I hv ever posted lol


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