16 individuals but 1 squad



Sunday 28 February 2016

random post @8.20

Can't believe aldr Sunday aiyo I hate weekdays bc CT omygawd

I'm here wen I'm supposed to be helping out with projects blah blah

Anyway's I was just reading thru maams blogs found some rly interesting stuff which includes like tent pitching stuff dere am I supposed to be doing tat idk

tbh I can see the squad relations r improving after Friday's parade thank you ma'ams and squaddies!! Tho ik I'm still quite annoying towards yall I'll try to improve but yall oso not provoke or ignore me lah or else I oso cannot help it sorry lah I'm not that type of person who is so cute ilthat it is hard to be mad at em

I guess it's nicer to talk wen ye climate between us is nicer like ya more comfortable otherwise I'll always be on my guard n ready to "shoot down others opinion" as quoted by squaddies previously 😂😂😂

I'm pretty sure someone is gonna tell I'm spamming but huh I oso dun wan study

yey jiayous ok CTs almost over can't wait to kick it goodbye

needa go now kkbye


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