16 individuals but 1 squad



Saturday 30 January 2016

Friday's Parade (29 Jan)

Omygosh the squad did so well this week so pround of them yay(sounds wrong sia cuz dun feel liek I'm in a position to say so). We fell in a minute late this week cuz we stood around 4 too long when we arrived early. Gotta chage that & it's possible!! You know what?? Ma'ams told us OUR UNIT GOT GOLD this year omygosh yayyy. Words can't say how happy our squad is now woop!! Such good news. We learnt a new drill too and it's Ke Belakang Pusing on march!! However, it's kinda confusing so we will need to practice more often on our own so yea. We have improved on our drills overall as we didn't really get confused between certain drills no more and we have gotten better on the 2 new drills we learnt last week yasss. After this was our FIRST EVER ENDURANCE!! (psps I don't participate so idk how it felt) We changed into our pt kit (?) and went to the 4th floor. We were supposed to run 12 rounds in 20 min. Most of us exceeded the goal so good job!! And most of us tried not to walk and persevered and cheered each other on. Quite good for a first try, as quoted by ma'ams (they were rly nice to us). Okay then after that debrief then cca over. Keeping this quite shot so that u can catch the main points and bc I'm lazy too. K bye have fun reading this. However, we still need to improve our changing timing so that we do not keep on exceeding!!


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