16 individuals but 1 squad



Monday 30 November 2015

VIA Day 4

yooo i jus realised i forgot to update on VIA Day 4 heh

sooo Day 4 was kinda tiring for our legs cuz we stood for quite long AHAHAHHA

duckaicat, nonsy, charleflower, yinyin, sadhvi, lingsi and i wen for Day 4, the last day of VIA whew. ytd we had Hestia Ma'ams and Astraia Ma'ams with us

so firstly, duck, nonsy, sadhvi and i wen to unpack baskets to put them with newspapers den we wen into the itchen once we were done and while we were unpacking, charleflower, yinyin and lingsi were packing the styrofoam boxes into plastic bags. aft tat, duck, nonsy, sadhvi and i wen to the kitchen to help pack the styrofoam boxes but duck wen to pack the food so the rest of us packed the boxes. duck packs the food in the boxes, sadhvi passed the boxes to nonsy and me, we pack the boxes, charleflower ties the plastic bags up and yinyin brings the plastic bags out to the delievery area yay great teamwork !!! :)

and aft tat we wen to eat yay the nuggets were awesome and we jus sat at the table doing nth and chatting and playing with each other but someone came and said they needed us to help to bring styrofoam boxes from the truck into the centre so we wen and help and aft tat we came back and continued playing and chatting with each other and soon we were told to get our bags to leave wooo we left early ! :p

yea... tats all i guess... heh kay byeee tats all for now ! :)

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